Content Posted in 2023
The economics of forage and concentrate rations for East Tennessee grade A herds with high production records, Roger Stanley Lyon
The effectiveness of planning for a small town : a case study of gearing up for the 21st century : planning strategies for Rockwood, Tennessee, Bradley Franklin Thompson
The effectiveness of two types of academic support services on the academic performance of black undergraduate students, Bill Jon Wells
The effect of acrylic and PVC earmold material on REOR and REAR, Kimberly Jon McIntosh
The effect of age and weight upon the blood volume of farm animals, William O. Butler
The effect of ancymidol on forcing tulips, Susan Kincaid
The effect of antimicrobials on the growth of listeria monocytogenes in brine and selected meat products, Yobouet Dje
The effect of applied micronutrients on yield and plant uptake of soybeans, Ronald Wolfe
The Effect of a prostaglandin F₂alpha analogue, fenprostalene, and oxytocin on both in vivo and isolated uterine motility in the cow, William Herbert Byrd
The effect of awn removal on yield and yield components in three varieties of soft red winter wheat, Donald Craig Jones
The effect of body weight, hip height and subcutaneous fat thickness on winter and spring-summer pasture performance and subsequent feedlot performance of beef steers, Thomas Dale Bryson
The effect of breed on muscle fiber diameter and its relationship to palatability, Edwin W. Tendick
The effect of calcium, potassium, and boron fertilization upon the chemical composition and yield of alfalfa, William Eugene Bryan
The effect of certain chemicals on the development of suckers in fire-cured tobacco, Joseph N. Matthews
The effect of competition and date of planting on the growth of soybean varieties having different dates of maturity, Donald T. Ferguson
The effect of controlled traffic on cotton yield and soil condition on three West Tennessee soils, Jon S. Jablonski
The effect of crude protein and metabolizable energy levels on the efficiency of nitrogen retention and energy utilization by the weanling pig, Patrick Kevin Brown
The effect of dead or immotile sperm on the motility and fertility of the stronger sperm in bovine semen, Henry Joe Bearden
The Effect of Decreased Government Funding on University Policy to Attract International Students, Lauren Elizabeth Gateley
The effect of depth of planting of soybeans and leaching of herbicides by irrigation to weed control and soybean injury, K. George Verghese
The effect of diet alone or in combination with resistance or endurance training on fat oxidation at rest and during exercise, Brian Bradley Parr
The effect of dietary fats and supplements on markers of oxidative stress in rats, Maike Johnsen
The effect of different pastures for backgrounding and different grain finishing periods on quantitative, qualitative, and palatability characteristics of serially slaughtered angus steers, Richard Dee Reviere
The effect of electro-magnetic radiation on certain varieties of soybean seeds, Arunachalam Lakshmanan
The effect of excessive dietary calcium upon the absorption and utilization of selenium-75, molybdenum-99, copper-64 and iron-59 in swine, Robert G. Buescher
The effect of exogenous oxytocin on the output of sperm and on the uterotonic effect of the bovine ejaculate, Cindy S. Armstrong
The effect of fasting on tissue shrinkage and some of its mechanisms in rats, Robert Y. Tsai
The effect of feeding L-thyroxine to dairy cows upon plasma-bound iodine and fecal thyroxine, John J. Sullivan
The effect of feeding urea and stilbestrol on ration digestibility and on calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen retention in lambs, Joseph Randolph Taylor
The effect of feedlot realimentation on the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of mutton, William Nathaniel Gale Barron
The effect of fertilization and spacing on the yield and composition of soybeans, Subramaniyan Chandrasekaran
The Effect of Focused Client Education on Case Management & Readmission Rates in Homeless Individuals with Co-occurring Disorders Admitted to a Jail Diversion Program, Pallavi Rao and Mary Johnson
The effect of forced ventilation with high moisture air on bulk loads of snap beans, John Richard Lehman
The effect of form and level of fat and supplemental lysine on the performance of weanling pigs, John W. Tanner
The effect of form and level of fat and supplemental lysine on the performance of weanling pigs, John W. Tanner
The effect of furnish moisture content, press closure rate, and panel density of thickness swell and the vertical density profile of a mixed hardwood flakeboard, William Cos Treanor Davis
The effect of gas plasma irradiation on the dehulling and resulting chemical and physical properties of soybeans, Chien-Ning Wang
The effect of granular inoculants on southern peas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp), Lee David Hooten
The effect of ground shelled corn full-fed during the latter part of the finishing period upon the performance and carcass traits of beef steers and heifers, Earl C. Anderson
The effect of growth regulators on maturation, wieght, size and quality of fruit in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), Kheireddin M. Batal
The effect of heat stable bacterial lipase (S) on the flavor and fat degradation of pasteurized milk cheddar cheese, Daniel Nelson Hamilton
The effect of hygromycin B as a growth stimulant and as an anthelmintic for swine, Arthur Jones Jr.
The effect of indomethacin on collateral circulation development following experimental arterial thrombosis, Cecelia Ann Helenski
The effect of induced estrus on conception rate in dairy cattle, John H. G. Rankin
The effect of industrial development on rural welfare in Tennessee, Robert McAlpin
The effect of laser beam defocusing on processing quality during laser surface alloying, Matthew Scott Anderson
The effect of length of dry period upon milk secretion, Warren Hall Maclin
The effect of level and time of treatment of dienestrol on the rate of gain,feed required per one-hundred pounds gain, and carcass characteristics of swine, Ed Robert Lidvall
The effect of light and moisture on cotton fruiting habits and yield, Grady Eugene Neely
The effect of lime, phosphorus, and inoculation of growth and nitrogen fixation in crimson clover, Borden Searcy Chronister
The effect of limited- and self-feeding of nursing sows on pasture on sow and pig performance, Howard Neil Jobe
The effect of management variables on the establishment of some small-seeded legumes and grasses, Clyde D. Fisher
The effect of menhaden fishmeal on performance, carsass and sensory characteristics and fatty acid composition of finishing swine, Patsy A. Francis
The effect of mineral oil treatment of milk on the vitamin A content of the butterfat, Elise E. Morrell
The effect of mixed fertilizers containing little or no calcium or sulfur on seed cotton yields, William Thomas Pettigrew
The effect of night temperature upon the vegetative and reproductive developments in lycopersicon esculentum, Biddanda P. Poovaiah
The effect of nitrogen fertilization and cutting management on the yield and nitrogen content of two sudangrass varieties and two millet species, Kenneth Ray Broyles
The effect of nitrogen fertilization on yield, HCN potential, and nitrate nitrogen content of three varieties of sorghum, Billy M. Greene
The effect of occupation on the formal participation in an open country community, Charles Thomas Faith
The effect of ortho, meta, pyro, phytin phosphates upon cellulose digestion by rumen microorganisms in vitro, Harold Baxter
The effect of ph and applied electrical potential on oil removal from a solid surface in the presence of four types of surfactant solutions, Anthony Wayne Rowe
The effect of photoperiod and plant growth regulators on flower bud inhibition in Coleus blumei, Guang Lin
The effect of population on whole-plant production of corn harvested for silage, Ichanda M. Uthappa
The effect of potash fertilization on mineral composition, yield, and stalk breakage in corn at different nitrogen levels, Harry Wittels
The effect of potassium fertility levels on the uptake and utilization of potassium, calcium, and magnesium by corn inbreds and hybrids, Charles E. Freeman
The effect of preparation and thermal processing on residues of DDT, heptachlor, and their metabolites in turnip greens and roots (brassica rapa), James T. Barron
The effect of price variability on the optimum enterprise organization of a representative farm in the Hill Area of West Tennessee, Chau Tam Luan
The effect of protein in the concentrate feed upon milk production and upon consumption and utilization of corn silage by lactating cows, William Marcus Hopper
The effect of rapid growth with fattening upon lactation in cattle and rats, Thomas Ray Spann
The effect of rate of developmental growth on sow reproductive performance, body condition and productivity, Gregory L. Bilbrey
The effect of ropes course participation on teambuilding, Mitchel Hansinger
The effect of row spacing, plant population, and nitrogen level on yield and water use of corn, Jeffrey Lee Vest
The effect of selected variables on carcass traits of beef, Jon Michael Baker
The effect of several variables on the texture of freeze-dried formulated strawberry slices, James Franklin Amos
The effect of sexual activity on secretory Immunoglobulin A and cortisol levels in married couples, Jennifer Lorraine Siciliani
The effect of source and rate of sidedress nitrogen on yield and quality of burley tobacco, Ahmed Azhar Jaafar
The effect of soybean and cottonseed meals on metabolism of iodine and thyroxine in calves, Wilfred A. Lyke
The effect of steriod hormones on the rate of gain and feed utilization in lambs, Calvin Lawrence Cannon
The effect of storage conditions on selected quality attributes of sweet potato flour, Susan Ulm Gurkin
The effect of supplemental iodine on vitamin A in rats and on thyroxine and vitamin A in parturient dairy cows and their calves, Patricia Kate White
The effect of temperature and relative humidity on the development of Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivor in culture, Kimberly F. Goode
The effect of temperature, initial moisture content, and level of inoculum of aflatoxin and ochratoxin production in corn, David Carter Mobley
The effect of temperatures and pH on the viscosity of syrups containing gums, Burham Dincer
The effect of the essential oil of rosemary and lemon on memory ability in eighth graders, Ronda J. Irvin-Hamilton
The effect of the proteolytic activity of collagenase on near-term cow placentomes, L. Jane Batory
The effect of thinning on loblolly pine specific gravity as measured by the gamma densitometry technique, Deborah D. McRae
The effect of three controlled levels of fat thickness upon production and carcass characteristics in beef steers of similar age, William C. Huff
The effect of thyroidectomy on serum calcium and phosphorous levels in the pig, Jerry Donald Overton
The effect of two levels on dietary phosphorus on laying house performance of four strains of white leghorn layers, Huthail Najib
The effect of type and weight on the yield of primal and miscellaneous pork cuts, Don Allison Bowman
The effect of various grades and lengths of pork carcasses together with sex on the yield of sliced bacon, Charles E. Riley
The effect of varying levels of nutrition on growth, development, and fertility of beef bulls, Joseph John Knapka
The effect of varying the energy content of the ration on the voluntary feed intake of ruminants with different energy requirements, Robert Lane Cowsert
The effect of Vitamins A, D and E injections on the blood plasma of pregnant beef cows and on calf viability, Louie Keith West
The effect of water restriction on the laying hen performance, Hamdi Abdul Aziz Al-Fayadh
The effects of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone on the map kinase cascade in neoplastic and non-neoplastic pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, Brian Ashley Jull
The effects of acylation on the functionality and performance of cottonseed flour, Firyal B. Al-Dabbagh
The effects of added corn syrup on some quality attributes of sorghum syrup, Issa Chamoun Yachouh
The effects of adding highly digestible fiber to conventional corn-corn silage based growing beef cattle rations, Mary Alice Battrell
The effects of adding highly digestible fiber to conventional corn-corn silage based growing beef cattle rations, Mary Alice Battrell
The effects of adding poor quality ground hay to the concentrate mixture for dairy cows, Bobby James Bearden
The effects of addition of wheat straw, corn stalks, and alfalfa in reducing aluminum toxicity of acid soils, Engku Ismail bin Engku-Ahmad
The effects of adopting shareholder value metric control and reward sysems on firm investment in research and development, John Begley Gallagher
The effects of alternate beef cattle finishing systems on farm income potential and resource utilization in Tennessee, James Marshal Anderson
The effects of alternative modes of transportation on the optimum number, sizes and locations of major corn handling facilities in the southeast, Harry B. Strawn
The effects of amino acid supplementation and medication of salmonella pullorum in chicks, Ronald D. Simpson
The effects of ammonia on frozen beef and pork musculature, Ernest Earl Herrmann
The effects of Ancymidol on Petunia hybrida Hort. 'Orchid Bouquet', Stephen Holtrey Street
The effects of an integrated computer program on math and reading improvement in grades three through five, Charles Kenneth Phillips
The effects of antemortem and postmortem management on the quality of processed catfish, Stanley Thyson Hord
The effects of antioxidants on the flavor and color stability of prerigor fresh pork sausage, Roger Dean Edens
The effects of blood preparation for radioimmunoassay and competitive protein binding assay on the stability of progesterone and estrogen concentrations, Vaughan A. Wenzel
The effects of bolus volume and consistency on amplitude and duration of muscle activity during swallowing in adults, Joy Allison Will
The effects of boron and in vitro propagation stress on the morphological and physiological development of broccoli, Peter D. Petracek
The effects of calcium and boron on apple trees when applied through microjet irrigation, Christopher G. Milne
The effects of changes in petroleum based input prices on the Tennessee fed beef industry, Charles D. Keiser
The Effects of Clonidine on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Patient Outcomes, Claire E. Flatt
The effects of combinations of gum, starch, and water on batters and microwave-baked cakes, Marsha. McNeil
The effects of composting period and mineral amendments on a 50:50 blend of pine and hardwood bark, John Andrew Watkins
The effects of continuous prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation on germ cell survival and follicular development in the bovine, Joseph W. Covington
The effects of creep feeding Hereford heifers on performance and growth to maturity, William Thomas Swanks
The effects of crossfostering pigs at birth on subsequent survival and performance, Mike C. Crider
The effects of degree of erosion and slope characteristics on soybean yields on Memphis, Grenada, Lexington, and Loring soils, Harry Paul Denton
The effects of dietary fats on the fatty acid composition of broiler tissues, Eung Bum Lee
The effects of different backgrounding pastures and length of grain finishing period on carcass, chemical and sensory characteristics of beef from angus, hereford and crossbred steers, Fred William Pohlman
The effects of different levels of flourine intake on digestibility and mineral balance in beef cows, George Douglas Plumlee
The effects of differing batter levels upon enzymatically and mechanically tenderized pork and beef steaks, Robert Milton Reeves
The effects of dikegulac on azalea cuttings, Richard Arnold Schnall
The effects of dikegulac sodium on budbreak in canes of Dracaena fragrans (L.) Ker-Gawl. cv. Massangeana, Ann Rhamy Johnson
The effects of diphenamid, trifluralin and EPTC on the control of weeds and the yield and quality of burley and fire-cured tobacco, Hubert F. Ottinger
The effects of exogenous luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) on the reproductive function of laying hens and cockerels, Aleta Lynn Gordon
The effects of fall applications of glyphosate on johnsongrass, soy beans, and corn, Jewell R. English Jr.
The effects of feeding two sources of protein with and without hay on the performance of beef heifers and steers, James L. Giffin
The effects of fertilization, irrigation, and site factors on growth of forest tree species, James P. Groton
The effects of fertilizer placement on the yield and quality of snap beans, Paul Colditz
The effects of filtration on ejaculates of bovine spermatozoa, Theodore Junior McCoy
The effects of financial stress and interparental conflict on poor adolescent adjustment: the role of fathering behaviors, Shann-Hwa Hwang
The effects of firmness of fat and the degree of finish on the evaluation of pork carcasses, Leon Edwin Orme
The effects of fungal-infested fescue and zeranol on testicular development in the bull, Mohammed A. AlAmer
The effects of fungal-infested fescue on hormonal secretions and ovarian development in the beef heifer, Pamela Pecon McKenzie
The effects of fungal-infested fescue on hormonal secretions and ovarian development in the beef heifer, Pamela Pecon McKenzie
The effects of furrow irrigation with water and dairy manure slurry on yield of corn silage, Robert Steven Pile
The effects of genotype and environment on traits and their correlations in layers, Nazar Thannoon Taha
The effects of glycerol levels, equilibration times, and their interrelationship with bulls on the ability of bovine semen to survive the freezing process, Thomas William Lamb
The effects of half delta strakes on the performance of the Piper Navajo twin engine airplane, Courthney Carlos Cumberbatch
The effects of harvest methods and storage periods on certain quality factors of southern peas, Vigna sinensis, Robert Donald Freeland
The effects of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate on fescue toxicosis, Paula Davis Anderson
The effects of inbreeding on various performance traits of Angus calves, Will T. Butts
The effects of incremental calcium levels throughout the laying period on egg shell quality, Larry Glenn McCraney
The effects of induced abortion on the feedlot performance of beef heifers fed urea and cottonseed meal, with and without hay, Stanley F. Stansbury
The effects of initial subcutaneous fat thickness and grade of feeder heifers upon subsequent feedlot performance, carcass grade and yield, Irby Jackson Harrell
The effects of initial winter condition and level of winter feeding on beef cow and calf performance, James Burkett Neel
The effects of internal audit outsourcing on financial statement users' confidence in their protection from fraudulent financial reporting, Kevin Lamont James
The effects of intial body size on feeder calves on subsequent performance, William Fisher Crafton
The effects of irradiation from atomic bomb fall-out upon a group of Hereford cattle, James Merrill Bird
The effects of late gestation feeding of dichlorvos to sows on sow productivity and pig performance, Dearl Douglas Lampley
The effects of leaf size and varied calcium nitrate levels on gloxinia leaf-disk explants, Charles Edward Hill
The effects of litter size on growth rate of rats, Bobby Glen Whitworth
The effects of local public overhead capital investments on the economic growth and development of non-metropolitan Tennessee, Carl Raymond Siegrist
The effects of manufacturing and its consequent commerce upon the welfare of the immediate rural area, Jerry C. Fitch
The effects of microclimate on the yield of York soybeans in five row arrangements, Stephen D. Livingston
The effects of multisensory imagery in conjunction with physical movement on putting performance, Andrew Justin Ploszay
The effects of nitrogen fertilization on the yield and quality of two burley tobacco varieties, Mohd Azmi Ab. Rahman
The effects of parent training on parent and child behaviors, Laura Celeste Echols
The effects of performance, economy of gain and carcass quality of slaughter heifers fed three levels of crude protein using two sources of additional supplementation, Phillip Michael Smith
The effects of photoperiodism on energy metabolism in broiler chickens, Hammed Akande Olanrewaju
The effects of photoperiod on physical and chemical properties of broiler muscle, Carl Andre Dejoie
The effects of plant species composition and habitat architecture on the organization of spider communities, Monica Lynn Beals
The effects of population density and spatial arrangement on the yield and development of broccoli, Julie A. Hale
The effects of population density and spatial arrangement on the yield and development of broccoli, Julie A. Hale
The effects of postharvest storage on sweet, green peppers, Capsicum Annuum, Tammy J. Lowe
The effects of pre- and post-transit potassium levels, feedlot receiving diets, and levamisole injection on stressed bull and steer calves, Frank K. Brazle
The effects of predator presence on insect behavior: consequences for individual fitness, population growth and pest suppression in agroecosystems, Rebecca Young Rivers
The effects of processing variables on the color of canned red beets, Robert Larry Bishop
The effects of reduced tillage, time of fertilizer application, and plant population level on a diverse set of corn (Zea mays L.) genotypes, Daniel Bruce Smith
The effects of seeding rates, row spacings, and planting dates on grain sorghum 'Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), Larry Gene Heatherly
The effects of selected criteria on the sale price of performance tested bulls, Bobby Dennis Banks
The effects of several climatic factors and several nitrogen and moisture levels on the yield and evapotranspiration of corn, David E. McKinney
The effects of shaft misalignment on efficiency and bearing load of electric motors, Stephen Jesse
The effects of sires on pre-postweaning and carcass characteristics of polled hereford cattle, Joseph Franklin Pearson
The effects of soaking and storage on the radiosensitivity of barley seeds, Philip E. Hoskinson
The effects of soil properties and applied water on the leaching of atrazine, simazine, diuron and DCPA in soil columns, Melvin J. Ivey
The effects of soil temperature on urea hydrolysis, nitrification, and plant utilization, Wayne B. Fisher
The effects of stage duration on achieving a plateau in oxygen uptake during a maximal exercise test, James Patricks Ford
The effects of stearic acid and 2-undecanone on the photodecomposition of pyrene adsorbrd on coal fly ash, Sabella Bowers Sauceman
The effects of subcutaneous fat thickness on the production efficiency and organopeltic properties of beef, William R. Backus
The effects of surface irrigation with dairy manure slurries on the quality of groundwater and surface runoff, James Cathey Barker
The effects of the graphing calculator on the achievement and attitude of college students enrolled in elementary algebra, Sharon JoAnne Thomasson
The effects of the intensity of racial identity attitudes on predicting college preference for African-American high school seniors, Candace L. Washington
The effects of time on feed, carcass traits and chemical measures on muscling, tenderness and flavor of forage- and grain-finished beef, William Richard Dyer
The effects of tylosin on egg production, feed efficiency, and egg quality of Single-Combed White Leghorn hens, Susan Jo Bentley
The effects of ultraviolet light on country hams during aging, Sam K. Winfree
The effects of uniconazole, a gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor, on potted 'smoothee'/MM.106 apple trees, Lowell F. Fowler
The effects of various cooling methods on spermatozoan livability, Alfred F. McFee
The effects of various levels of fluorides on feed consumption of cattle, Everett Kincaid
The effects of various levels of fluorine on the digestability of feeds, James Rex Allen
The effects of walking volume on blood pressure in hypertensive postmenopausal women, Kerrie L. Moreau
The effects of wax coating and vacuum packaging on the quality and yield of country-cured hams, Don R. Maxedon
The effects of whole body irradiation on the semen from bulls [and] An electroejaculation technique for the collection of semen from bulls, Norman Ray Parish
The effects of whole wheat in combination with whole shelled corn as a finishing ration for beef cattle, James Travis Fain
The effects on lactation of feeding grain and roughage or roughage alone to dairy cows during their dry period, Alton C. Carmen
The effects or practicing a golf putting task in virtual reality, Zoya Amer, Logan T. Markwell, Andrew J. Strick, and Jared M. Porter
The effect technician gender has on sexual arousal responses of male sexual offenders, James Michael Adler
The efficacy of active isolated stretching in the improvement of hamstring flexibility, Brad Johnson
The efficacy of detailed feedback in a computer assissted program on voice leading, Jennifer Sterling
The efficacy of phenolic compounds and lactoferrin against listeria monocytogenes in a model milk system, Kimberli Dale Payne
The environmental education program of an urban elementary school, William F. Moyer
The enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose for ice cream mix, James Page Gracy
The Epistemic Value of Resonance: Intuitive Thinking in Theoretical Understanding, Claire Dartez
The estimated economic impact of the Interstate Highway System on the marketing of Tennessee eggs, Harry B. Strawn
The evaluation of an ozone purification system in a recirculating aquaculture system, Brian L. Brazil
The evaluation of beef sires on the production of their daughters, Robert Alexander Reynolds
The evaluation of certain treatments for weed control in tobacco plant beds, Gilbert N. Rhodes
The evaluation of stabilizers used in cottage cheese, Yih-Chuan Wu
The evaluation of two extreme types of Angus steers, Owen Thomas Hughes III.
The evaluation of urea as a nitrogen fertilizer on wheat, William Eagleton Black
The evolution of the black mother in American cinema, ReGina Fae Newkirk
The experience of a first race: a phenomenological description, Karen M. Appleby
The experience of being lost, George Michael Thweatt
The experience of coping with chronic pain : a phenomenological investigation, Dianne E. Briscoe
The experience of grief after bereavement : a phenomenological investigation, Elizabeth Deirdre Muller
The experience of performance funding on higher education at the campus level in the past 20 years, Michelle Susong Freeman
The experience of religious serpent handling : a phenomenological study, William Paul Williamson
The experience of sexual desire : an empirial-phenomenological investigation, Johnny M. Dossett
The experience of women in the martial arts : a phenomenological investigation, Tracy Ilene Carrington
The experiences of adolescents living with cystic fibrosis, Nicole Marie Graham
The Experiences of Personal or Community Garden Use in the Self-Management of Hypertension among African American Males, Carrie R. McCoy
The extent of use value assessment of farmland in the East Tennessee Development District, Gerald F. Graham
The factors affecting the successful freezing of bull spermatozoa, Robert Harry White
The farm supply market of Hamblen County, Tennessee, George Henry Lane
The feasibility of using Hyperstodio generated applications to accelerate learning, Jenia D. Alfonzo
The feed cost of producing milk, Theodore Goodloe Hinton
The Financial Impact of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on the Population Health of Knox County, Zachary Christopher Coover
The fine illusion of free will' : autonomy and selfhood in the major prose works of Evelyn Scott, Timothy O. Edwards
The fishes of the Conasauga River in Tennessee, Robert Allen Stiles
The fishes of the Obion River system, William Clark Dickinson
The five best novels for adolescents in the 1990s : an evaluative study, Amy Beth Maupin
The flower production industry of Tennessee, James L. Pointer
The foreign language glossed reader : authentic literary text as comprehensible input, Avigail Rashkovsky
The free fatty acid content of herd milk, Douglas Howard Stamper
The frequency of hand/wrist disorders among sign language communicators, William Mark Hart
The fruits of judicial decision : an analysis of Geier v. Sundquist, Brian Eugene Noland
The fulfillment of social provisions and its relationship to psychological well-being, Amanda Lynn Muelchi
The functional capacity of differentiated K-562 leukemia cells, Erich Jonathan Baker
The function of pedestrian-oriented open space in Knoxville's central business district, Wendy H. C. Lin
The Funder's Point of View, Martin Halbert, Michael Cooke, Cerese Albers, and Ishwar Chandramouliswaran
The G_2-Hitchin Component of Triangle Groups: Dimension and Integer Points, Hannah E. Downs
The genetic and environmental factors affecting the performance of Hereford calves from birth to weaning, Shanmugampillay Loganathan
The George D. Barnes, Jr. collection at the Frank H. McClung Museum : a study of the research potential of a private collection in the public domain, Wendy Lynn Goodman
The German discovery of America : commerce and diplomacy in two emerging nations, 1776-1835, Sam Ali Mustafa
The germination of corn and wheat as affected by various fertilizer salts at different soil temperatures, David G. Cummins
The ghosts that haunt us : Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu's stories of the supernatural, Sally E. Corran
The growth and decline of transportation studies in undergraduate business education from the 1890s to the age of supply chain management in the 1990s, William Judson Dewitt
The growth response of coliform bacteria in milk to an increase of 5 degrees C after refrigerated storage, James C. Prow
The heart and voice of a playful early childhood teacher, Christy Isbell Gamble
The historical geography of extinct towns in Mississippi, Howard G. Adkins
The history of the Future Farmers of America in Tennessee, Charles Harold McBride
The horsebean (Vicia Faba L.) as a vegetable protein concentrate in chick diets, Nagib Elias Chalhoub
The Hospital Won’t Save Us: An Exploration of the Racial Absence of Care and Emergent Radical Care as a Site of Liberation, Christopher L. Rogers
The identification and evaluation of factors affecting economic growth in the Tennessee Valley Region, 1950-1960, Vernon Glenn Chappell
The identification and evaluation of managerial behavior, William Ruthvan Morrow
The identification of online learning motives in use by undergraduate students, Frank Laszlo
The Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors to Candida albicans Phosphatidylserine Synthase, Yue Zhou
The identification of special competencies of deafness specialists in postsecondary education programs, Marcia Ellen Kolvitz
The images of blacks and African Germans as reflected in the poetry of May Ayim and two contemporary German films, Cedric Allen Cunningham
The Impact of a Nuclear Disturbance on a Space-Based Quantum Network, Alexander Miloshevsky
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Masking on Individuals with Hearing Loss: Metacognition, Mental Health, and Ableism, Kristel Scoresby
The Impact of Guaranteed Income on Political Participation, Daniel Horn
The impact of industrial development on Lawrence County, Tennessee, Charles MacArthur Wilson
The impact of interest group and news media framing on public opinion : the rise and fall of the Clinton health care plan, Jennifer Campbell Koella
The impact of land ownership characteristics or soil erosion in Tennessee, Lanny Wayne Hass
The impact of national culture upon the customer value hierarchy : a comparison between French and American consumers, Jeffrey Wade Overby
The impact of physician profiling in modifying physician utilization practice patterns, Umagasen Chinnasamy Naidoo
The impact of PL 480 shipments on prices and domestic production of foodgrains in Korea, Sang Gee Kim
The Impact of Rebel Group Structure on Foreign Fighter Civilian Victimization, Jack Anthony Schwartz
The Impact of Supervisor Servant Leadership on Counselor Supervisee Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress, Colleen M. Grunhaus, Thomas J. Ward, Victor E. Tuazon, and Kristal James
The impact of teacher effect on student math competency achievement, June C. Rivers Sanders
The impact of tool allocation policies on selected performance measures for flexible manufacturing systems, Kevin M. Smith
The impact of TVA on agriculture, Chi Yuen Lee
The impact of utilitarian product reviews on brand perception, Benjamin Libon
The impact of working wives' income on household food consumption and expenditures, Robert E. Adcock
The impact of workplace design on training transfer as determined by the heuristic elicitation methodology, Tharulatha Y. Reddy
The Impacts of Tilled-In Biodegradable Plastic Mulch on Soil Microbial Communities, Corissa L. Martin
The implementation of enterprise resource planning : an innovation diffusion approach, Marianne Bradford
The importance of the carboxyl portion of the Apx toxins of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in eliciting toxin-neutralizing antibodies, Melanie Susan Powell
The importance of the technological improvements on the tarhana product, Mehmet Can Baser
The improvement of wear characteristics of aluminum through the addition of silicon via laser processing, Nathaniel Kennedy
The Influence of Aluminium and Zinc upon the Absorption and Retention of Calcium and Phosphorus in Lambs, Alan Thompson
The influence of animated spokes-character actions and vocalizations on preschoolers' product knowledge and preferences, Sabrina Moreland Neeley
The influence of boron on the morphological development and cell wall composition of Brassica oleracea var. italica, Sheryl Ann Evans Martin
The influence of breed and year on weights and grade of feeder calves produced in Warren County from 1959-1963, Condy L. Ayers
The influence of certain nutrients on the prevention of dermatitis in turkey poults, Leighton H. Panter
The influence of climate on the nose form of North American Indians, Jeremy W. Fletcher
The influence of composting on blended pine and hardwood bark growing media, Sven Eric Dale Svenson
The influence of date of birth and calving season on preweaning growth rate, type score, condition score, and weanling index of beef calves, Wallace Aaron Griffey
The influence of date of flowering on certain seed and fiber properties of pope cotton, Gorur N. Alasingrachar
The influence of date of planting on yield and selected parameters of growth and development of ten soybean cultivars, Haron Bin HJ-Ashari
The influence of days carried calf and dry period on milk and fat production in Tennessee DHIA herds, Clyde K. Chappell
The influence of diet and coccidiosis upon the xanthophyll pigmentation of chicks, Robert Paul Mitchell Jr.
The influence of dietary energy level and biological type on performance and carcass traits of feedlot cattle, William J. Bales
The influence of environment upon the performance of the laying hen, Lloyd Henry Littlefield
The influence of expectation for a future deal on the effectiveness of a current price promotion : an application of prospect theory, Kyoung-Nan Kwon
The influence of fat and lean tissues of country cured hams on growth of Aspergillus Parasiticus and production of aflatoxin, Sarah Gwendolyn Carson
The influence of grade and body type on the performance of purchased feeder pigs, Earl D. Brooks
The influence of heading back on bud performance of one year-old apple shoots, Douglas D. Baird
The influence of heat and vacuum treatment on the rancid flavor of milk, William S. Phillips
The influence of ion-ion correlations on conductivity in concentrated ionic systems, MD DIPU AHMED
The influence of lime and phosphorus application to three soils on yield and nutrient uptake by sorghum, Madathilettu Mathai Koshy
The influence of loess on the formation and morphology of Mountview and Dickson soils in Robertson County, Tennessee, J. Paul Sutton
The influence of magnesium and oxalic acid upon the absorption and retention of calcium and phosphorus, K. N. Govindan Nagar
The influence of management on yield and composition of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb), Kenneth Wayne Bell
The influence of milk processing upon the binding of iron to various milk protein fractions, Jyung Rewng Park
The influence of nitrogen on sweet pepper flower, fruit set and fruit production, Usama H. Dajani
The influence of paraffin wax coating on chemical and sensory characteristics of commercially prepared country hams, Peter Michael Brown
The influence of parent materials upon the formation and morphology of some soils of the Highland Rim and Brotherton Bench in Putnam County, Tennessee, Charles R. Gass
The influence of pasteurization temperatures, homogenization pressures and storage duration at 4C̊ on activity of milk xanthine oxidase, Ong-Ard Praepanitchai
The influence of personal beliefs on "country-of-origin" image, Jang-Sun Hwang
The influence of pH on the cellular composition of Yersinia enterocolitica, Laure Lynn Larkin
The influence of plant populations on the yield and other characteristics of corn, Robert H. Gibson
The influence of postharvest calcium chloride treatments on apple (Malus domestica Borkh) fruit quality and polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase, and pectin methyl esterase activities, Julie Ann E. Laufmann
The influence of procaine penicillin G and 3-nitro-4-hydroxy-phenylarsonic acid upon broilers, Fred Russell Tarver
The influence of selected economic and social factors on meat consumption, Earl Ray Williams
The influence of selected management strategies on populations of cereal leaf beetle on wheat in Tennessee, Lisa Covington Duke
The influence of sex and age of dam on some economic characteristics in beef cattle, Jimmy David Faulk
The influence of sires used in artificial insemination on dairy cattle production traits in upper East Tennessee dairy herds, John B. Brower
The influence of soil levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and methods of application on the growth, quality and nutrient composition of snap beans, Phaseolus vulgaris L, Jonas Patterson Shugars
The influence of soil properties and lime upon nutrient content and yield of alfalfa and lespedeza, Laxminarayan Annappa Dixit
The influence of soil type on certain economic and social factors in Tennessee, William Elbert Hendrix
The influence of some cutting bill variables on hardwood dimension stock yields, Bruce A. Manalan
The Influence of Spectral Quality on Primary and Secondary Metabolism of Hydroponically Grown Basil, Hunter Albright Hammock
The influence of stemflow on the distribution of sulfate-S around the base of two tree species, Mark H. Wolfe
The influence of strain, protein level and housing density on correlations among traits of laying hens, Saravanam Srinivasan
The influence of the undergraduate chemistry department on female chemistry majors, Gail McDade Meyer
The influence of vacuum level and heat treatment upon volatile sulfhydryls and cooking flavor in milk, Brind Bahadur Singh
The influence of various lighting regimes and exogenous adrenal hormones upon blood glucose and electrolyte levels in chicks, Jeffrey C. Herr
The influence of varying calorie-protein ratios and amino acid supplementation of diets for broilers, David B. Shoaf
The inheritance of milk and butterfat production in dairy cattle, Paul Clayton Swanson
The inheritance of resistance to isolates of Fusarium oxysporum var. nicotianae in burley tobacco, James Larry Jones
The inheritance of resistance to stem canker in soybeans, Brian A. Wendel
The intake and digestibility of intake for lactating angus cows grazing fescue-legume and fescue pastures, Johnny Dale Beaty
The Intentional Andragogy Model: A Teaching Framework for Counselor Educators, Phillip L. Waalkes, Paul H. Smith, and Daniel Hall
The interaction of kinetin and indolebutic acid on the rooting of cuttings, Mathews C. Oommen
The interaction of thermal process and storage on the quality of chocolate-flavored beverages, Maury Britton Kelly
The interrelationship of bacterial lipid composition and the antimicrobial activity of the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisole, Laurie Sue Post
The isolation and the biochemistry of the animal protein factor, John Wyatt West
The kairomonal response of native predators to the sex pheromones of Matsucoccus spp. (homoptera: margarodidae) in pine-dominated forests of East Tennessee, John David Nelson
The kinetic enhancement of polymer-supported reagents for use in organic synthesis and selective metal ion complexation, Christopher Aaron Shelley
The Knoxville livestock market, Waldo Swinton Rowan
The Language of Nuclear Security: New Case Studies Exploring Online Open-Source Information from Turkey, India, and Jordan, Zenobia S. Homan, Shraddha Rane, Yara Shaban, Fadime Ö. Özkan, and Eunha Yun
The life history and population dynamics of the prairie vole (microtus orchrogaster) on the Cumberland Plateau in Middle Tennessee, Roger Emerson Deitrick
The life history of the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), with emphasis on its reproductive biology, Jesús Antonio Rivas
The life world of centenarians, Susan Church
The Light from Pisgah, Jeffrey Robert Amos
The Literary Fairy: Celtic Folklore’s Influence on Nineteenth-Century Fiction, Joshua Dobbs
The Lived Experience of Losing Employment After Diagnosis with Dementia: A Phenomenological Analysis, Susan K. Blaine
The livestock market news services in Tennessee, Robert L. Hollland
The living dead : a design for a cemetery in New Orleans, Jason Christopher Inman
The localizaton of a putative target cell binding domain of the pasteurella haemolytica A1 leukotoxin using a neutralizing single chain fragment variable, Brian Shayne Ranger
The logistics and transportation problems of Latin American integration efforts : the Andean Pact : a case of study, María Fernanda Meléndez
The marketing of forest products in Tennessee, Thomas Britt
The marketing of spring lambs in Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, Virgil William Martin
The mathematics of surface reconstruction, Tamara S. Bouma
The measurement of marketing efficiency of Tennessee egg handling firms, Lew E. Brinkley
The Metternich and Bismarck memoirs : a comparison, Amy L. Landis
The MMPI-2 and poor psychotherapeutic progress, Dennis Plant
The money-output relationship : a disaggregated approach, Gazi Hamdallah Shbikat
The morphology development of Gahi-1 pearlmillet as affected by management, Vagata Ramaiah
The Morris saga : humor as an agent of self-transformation in William Morris's Icelandic journals, Kelvin Lee Massey
The motivational quality of nutrition-related websites for children, Heidi Maria Stimmel
The movement; sorption, loss and chemical distribution of arsenic-74 labeled disodium methanearsonate in some Tennessee soils, Michael B. Akins
The multi-products EMQ model, John Roy Gray
The murine mutation scurfy (sf) results in an antigen-dependent disease with altered T-cell sensitivity, Joanne Louise Zahorsky-Reeves
The Nashville livestock market, Maurice J. Danner
The national print media and the Million Man March, David Hefner
The nature and significance of worldwide human dermatoglyphic variation in finger ridge-counts, Kathleen Ann Hauther
The nature and use of livestock marketing information in Tennessee, Arnold Moore Stallings
The necessary supply of milk to meet the class 1 demand of the Knoxville, Tennessee market, Dormal Newberry
The Need for Point-of-Care Testing of All Illicit Substances, Channie Cretsinger, Jeremy Kourvelas MPH, Jennifer G. Tourville DNP, and Julia van Zyl MD
The nesting chronology of mourning doves in Knox County, Tennessee, Elizabeth S. Stogsdill
The New Media Frontier: How Social Media Affects Partisan Attachments, Candidate Evaluations, and Political Emotions, Justin Allen Rose
The new waves: the influence of avant-garde film of the 1920s and 1930s on Virginia Woolf's the Waves, Stephanie Kaye Brinson
The nodulin 26 aquaglyceroporin transporter : influence of transmembrane mutations, pH, calcium and phosphorylation, Nouth Chanmanivone
The Novel Chlorination of Zirconium Metal and Its Application to a Recycling Protocol for Zircaloy Cladding from Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods, Breanna K. Vestal
The nutritional value of control and antibiotic-treated corn and alfalfa silages as determined by feeding trials, digestion trials, and in vitro techniques, Benjamin B. Wilson
The obsession for appropriation : how the bureaucratic need for publicity has resulted in tragedy, Nick Kistenmacher
The occupational needs of Hawkins County, Tennessee, Jefferson E. Taylor
Theological recuperation : masculinity in the poems of Francis Thompson, Devon Ray Fisher
Theoretical analysis and evaluation of a parallel belt sheller for mature green soybeans, George Takyi Owirodu
Theoretical and algorithmic approaches to field-programmable gate array partitioning, Barbara Catherine Plaut
Theoretical Studies of Adsorption and Reactivity at the Gas-Solid Interface, Carson J. Mize
The organizational republic : societal corporatism in the United States, Jack Michael Bernardo
The origin and dissemination of weed seed in container-grown nursery stock, Jennifer Lee Sanders Panter
The Pandemic Forces Us Back to Our Roots: Book Reviews Introduction, Irene Papoulis
The paradox of autonomy : mandatory outpatient treatment of those with mental illness, Amanda Cannon Foster
The path and the academic pavilions: making a place for the hearth of an American campus, Chordlee Nathan Coyle
The perceived impact of childhood parental divorce on young adults, Cheryl Malone Robinson
The perception of the impact of tourism as related by the residents of Margarita Island, Kevin M. Costello
The perceptions of selected older adults about the impact of a university adult education program on their lives : a phenomenological study, Amy Sarah Sue Price
The performance of feeder cattle of different weights, grades, and sexes in the feedlot, Bobby L. Whittenburg
The performance of steers fed fattening rations representative of the years 1970, 1935, and 1900, John B. Loy
The Perils of Non-State Actors in Pakistan: Assessing the Risks of Nuclear Safety and Security, Iftikhar Ali and Muhammad Sadiq
The persistence and movement of certain pre-emergence herbicides in the soil, Don Roberts
The persistence, degradation, movement, and absorption of phorate and demeton in clay and soil systems, Jay Wolbert Johnson
The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of esomeprazole in sheep after intravenous dosing, Joseph Smith, Jessica Gebert, Kailee Bennett, Lisa Sams Ebner, Ryan Flynn, Pierre-Yves Mulon, Lainey Harvill, Olivia Escher, Amanda Jo Kreuder, Joan Bergman, and Sherry Cox
The phonemic awareness of primary teachers: examining aspects of knowledge, Judith Joanne Shay
The phytotoxicity of selected herbicides and their residual effects in the establishment of emerald zoysia, Graham Shannon Smith Jr.
The Pink Tax: A Comparative Case Study Between Tennessee and Washington State, Megha Chitturi
The point of no return : formerly abused women's experience of staying out of the abusive relationship, Karen S. Reesman
The political thought of Lysander Spooner, Larry M. Hall
The politics of transition : Virginia and North Carolina and the 1824 presidential election, Joseph C. Clifft
The possible induction of diabetes insipidus in chicks by regulated light regimes, Cindy Cox Wilson
The potential for increasing net incomes on limited resource farms in Upper East Tennessee, Dennis J. Weller
The potential role of livestock in a nuclear-powered agro-industrial complex in the United Arab Republic, Charles Martin Farmer
The Practice Environment for Nurse Anesthetists in Tennessee, Taylor Cathey, Jessica Hobbs, Matthew Owen, Alexis Varney, James Alberding, and Tausha Alexander
The preception of ritual in architecture, Kevin DeLeon Ammons
The Predictability of Grit on Counselor Educators’ Competencies and Publications, Mary K. DePue, Jacqueline M. Swank, Jo Lauren Weaver, and Ren Liu
The PRIDE Ban on Police: Experiences of LGBTQ+ with Policing in New York, Alista G. Brawner
The Problem with Modern Supplier Diversity Programs and Building a Methodology for Strategic Transformation, Lillian Hou Qin
The processing of unfermented peach juice, Richard G. Garner
The production and marketing of greenhouse tomatoes in the Knoxville, Tennessee, area, Robert D. Freeland
The productivity of Dickson, Waynesboro and Huntington soils for corn at selected levels of nitrogen and plant population, Burgess Franklin Guinn
The productivity of Huntington, Waynesboro and Dickson soils for corn under high levels of management, Rural Allen Peace
The propagation of tree seedlings under continuous light in square, bottomless containers, Perry Anthony Cope
The protective effect of mycorrhizae common in East Tennessee on loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.), Richard H. Martin
The psychometric efficacy of positively versus negatively worded items on a self-report measure of middle schoolers' work ethic, Kary O. Jessup
The psychometric properties of the student work habits rating form, Eun Jung Oh
The public data method: an alternative procedure for estimating toxic releases in the production of petrochemicals for the materials production stage of a life-cycle inventory, Lawrence C. Lasher
The public welfare worker's perceptions of and feelings about his job and some administrative implications, Julia Ashlock Birmingham, Gloria Dean Carter, Ben M. Disharoon, Lazelle Puckett Ford, Earl R. Thomas, Mary E. Thomas, and James Andrew Womack
The quality of living in low-income southern rural counties : an index and its correlates, Moon Hui Choe
The question of gender discrimination in mortgage lending : a cross regional analysis, Amatta Sangho Diabate
The rate of release of potassium from some Tennessee soils, Raymond Harris Webster
The “Rebuff Chorus” in 1960–2000 Pop Music, David Heetderks
The reduction of Ytterbium(III) to Ytterbium(II) using magnesium, James Dustin Siler
The relation of level of living to selected attitudinal characteristics of central Appalachia rural families, Kwang Yue Chang
The relation of maturity to total yield and seasonal distribution of yield in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), A. J. Hester
The relation of subsoiling to water runoff, soil moisture, root distribution and corn yield, William C. Moffitt
The relation of the soil reaction to certain other soil properties, William Lawrence Parks
The relationship among initial linear body measurements, characteristics of feedlot cattle and subsequent performance, Mighty Joe Young
The relationship among linear body measurements, subjective scores and certain carcass and performance traits, Robert Foster Montgomery
The relationship among social support, spiritual well-being, commitment and health-promoting behaviors in older adults, Clara S. Boland
The relationship and communication experiences between student-teachers and their supervisors in a university child care laboratory setting : a qualitative study, Matthew John Devereaux
The relationship between attitudes of public school physical education teachers (K-12) toward students with disabilities at different grade levels and selected teacher attributes, Melanie Thomas Hodgson
The Relationship Between Auditory Working Memory and Statistical Learning in Infancy, McKenzie Mullins Sheets
The relationship between chronic hassles, cardiovascular responsivity and physical health symptomatology: an examination of the allostatic model of stress and health, Zachary Clay Wilcox
The relationship between elementary school girls' perceptions of their parents' body satisfaction and the girls' satisfaction with their own bodies, Marsha Parsons Burdette
The relationship between foliage color and foliar nutrient levels in loblolly pine, Charles R. Blinn
The relationship between job stress and job satisfaction in lower management employees, Rachel L. Jameson
The relationship between physical and psychological wellbeing and sport competition, Pearl Ocampo Conroy
The relationship between prepuberal hormone levels and sertoli cell number of spermatid production in the beef bull, Patricia D. Whaley
The relationship between prepuberal hormone levels and sertoli cell number of spermatid production in the beef bull, Patricia D. Whaley
The relationship between production level and reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle, Charles R. Mosley
The relationship between relational committment, spousal intimacy, and regiosity and marital satisfaction, Kris Koehne
The relationship between root growth and nicotine content in leaves of burley tobacco, Sheng-Yen Chen
The relationship of body length to economically important swine production and carcass traits, Frank David Kirkpatrick
The relationship of body size, lactation or gestation with ration intake, nutrient digestibility and digestible nutrient intake in beef cattle, Victor Louis Fulgoni
The relationship of certain soil physical properties to root distribution, nutrient absorption, and yield of corn and soy beans planted in three row arrangements, Matosinho de Sauza Figueiredo
The relationship of cognitive learning styles, mathematics attitude, and achievement in a problem posing classroom, Mary Ellen Owens
The relationship of fat content to the palatability of ground beef, Jesse Ray Ford
The relationship of feeder calf size and shape to rumen characteristics, Peggy J. Hamlett
The relationship of hostility, coping strategies, and social support with cardiovascular reactions to an acute laboratory stressor, Rachel Leigh Anderson
The relationship of men's and women's personal, work, and family life to job absenteeism, Jason Dyer McNeal
The relationship of nursing care to health outcomes of preterm infants : testing a theory of health promotion for preterm infants based on Levine's Conservation Model of Nursing, Linda Carol Mefford
The relationship of parents'/guardians' self-management to their children's self-management, academic performance, and health, Nan McCammon Gaylord
The relationship of pre-weaning performance with subsequent producing ability in beef cows, James Howard Warren
The relationship of selected ecological factors to biracial adolescents' ethnic identity and self-esteem, Eun-Kyung Sweet
The relationship of selected live animal measurements to carcass length in swine, Harold Glen Fogleman
The relationship of selected visual and objective live animal measurements to carcass length in swine, Bob Gene Spears
The relationship of soil color to soil moisture tension, Thomas J. Longwell
The relationship of soils to various management factors and to management returns on a selected group of farms in Knox County, Tennessee, 1946, John L. Henderson
The relationship of the bacterial flora of the bovine udder to the California mastitis test with emphasis on the staphylococci, Joel A. Collins
The relationship of the be-spinous diameter and femoral head diameter to body size in females, Jennifer Adair
The relationship of three higher-order thinking variables to the academic achievement of second-year nursing students in an associate-degree program, Cheryl L. Miller
The relationship of vitamin K to cecal coccidiosis of chickens, James Fred Stephens
The relationships between porcine longissmus dorsi histological traits and carcass and performance characteristics, John David Parks
The relationships between reproductive performance traits of beef bulls in natural mating systems and subjective and objective parameters of sperm and related structures, Kimberley Kirnan Hawkins
The relationships of feeder grade, weight, subcutaneous fat thickness, and skeletal size to feedlot performance and carcass characterisitcs of Hereford heifers, Elton Wayne Compton
The relationships of instructional methodologies and anxiety levels in family members of cardiac care patients, Richa Cox Russell
The relationships of ultrasonic estimates of fat thickness and l. dorsi to selected carcass traits of steers and heifers, James B. Shepard
The relative costs of returnable versus disposable milk containers to the retailer, Joe T. Davis
The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle, Charles Middleton Walthall
The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle, James Turner Guill
The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle, John Robert Paysinger
The repeatability of live-animal and photographic measurements of beef cattle, William Mark Whitaker
The requirements of business and industry for qualified ornamental horticulturists, Edgar Lee Abbott
The residual effects of four selective herbicides upon the growth and development of winter cover crops, Alvin D. Rutledge
The resource-based and relational views: complementary perspectives of competitive advantage, Joel A. Ryman
The response of certain crops to potassium on several soil types in Tennessee, Lofton Allen Davidson
The response of certain crops to potassium on several soil types in Tennessee, Chester Evan Evans
The response of four strains of White Leghorn layers to two levels of dietary phosphorus, Robert F. Ingram
The response of Liriope, Hosta, and Hedera to sunlight and fertilization, Mei-Li Mary Wu
The response of snapdragon Antirrhinum maius L., and carnation Dianthus caryophyllus L., to thigmomorphogenic and seismomorphogenic stress, Brenda F. Hodgkinson
The response of snapdragons, Antirrhinum majus L., to summer greenhouse growing conditions in Tennessee, Mitzi Gwyn Miller
The results of administering various levels of Ralgro implants to yearling beef steers, Jerry L. Parker
The rheology of chain molecules under shear, Jonathan D. Moore
The Rhythm of the Land: Women’s Use of Plants During the Pigeon Phase of Magic Waters (31JK291) in Cherokee, North Carolina, Kelly Dean Santana
Thermal analysis of non-hooded and hooded alfalfa flamers, Vernon Ellis Gordon
Thermal Management of Hypersonic Leading Edges via Integrated Liquid Metal Heat Pipe through Finite Element Analysis, Lee Walter Howell
Thermoacoustic waves in liquid metal targets for high power Spallation Neutron Sources, Rodney Harvill
The road to rebellion : Norfolk, 1646-1650, Scott Hendrix
The role of agricultural cooperatives in economics and social development in Iraq, Hassan Younis Al-Samarrai
The role of agricultural marketing in economic development, Tej Narain
The role of Bacillus cereus in the sweet-curdling defect of fluid milk, Krishnaswamy Atmaram
The role of B [Beta]-hydroxybutyrate in the regulation of ketogenesis in sheep, Juan Marcos Fernandez
The role of calcium channels in the growth regulation of normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine lung cells, Barbara Jane Sheppard
The role of dispositional aggressiveness and organizational injustice on deviant workplace behavior, Susan M. Burroughs
The role of face flies in bovine pinkeye, Harold W. Glass
The role of internal communication in an organizational change process : a case study, William Edwin Seaver
The Role Of Multiple Object Views In Early Word Learning: A Dynamic Process, Abigail Julian DiMercurio
The role of nitrogen and calcium on stem strength of poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd.), Kay Ann Lawton
The role of nucleation in the electrochemistry of organic conducting salt electrodes, Kristian Michael Scaboo
The role of professional and managerial experience in interpreting and using managerial assessment center data, Erin Kate Patton Atchley
The Role of Repositories in the Context of the Global Transformation Towards Open Science, Ana Persic
The role of soils and crops in water yield, Ross Gene Via
The role of the ultimobranchial glands in calcium metabolism of the laying hen, Abdul Karim Gaidan Al-Khazraji
The Role of Trait Mindfulness, Perceived Stress, and Impulsivity in Understanding the Relationship between Stress Mindset and Psychological Intimate Partner Aggression, Sarah Joyanna Johnson
The rural church and organized community activity; a study of church-community relations in two East Tennessee communities, Beryl B. Maurer
The second coming : a piece for piano trio, percussion and soprano, Bradley D. Decker
The sedentary relapse experiences of African American women, Serena Reese
The setting of vocational agriculture in Tennessee, Walter Gene Calton
The socio-economic factors influencing consumer purchases of selected beef cuts, Gerald Eugene Smolen
The soft x-ray fluorescence spectra of phosphorus compounds, Lin Lin
The solitary group life of a frugivorous carnivore : ecology, behavior and genetics of kinkajous (Potos flavus), Roland Wesley Kays
The Southern Appalachian adolescent female's experience of being violent, Rebecca L. Lucas
The standardization of containers of horticulture products, Herman F. Helfenbein
The status of environmental education in elementary and middle public schools of East Tennessee : a teacher perspective, Amadou Bocar Cire Sall
The status of multicultural education for camp staff members in American Camping Association accredited resident Girl Scout camps in the United States, Katherine McLendon Hartsfield
The strategic foul : morally permissible or morally problematic?, Andrew R. Manion
The structure and dynamics of magnesium surfaces, Ismail
The structure of the Malayan smallholder farms with emphasis on the relationships between farm size, yields, labor supply, and incomes, Nik Hassani bin Mohamed
The structure-property-processing relationship for a melt spun and drawn aliphatic polyketone terpolymer fiber, Curtis C. Copeland
The study of advanced materials using neutrons, Gary W. Lynn
The sublime, the beautiful and the picturesque in the works of Ann Radcliffe, Sarah Kim Kane
The subversive South : genre-play, aristocratic ideology, and antebellum Southern literature, Paul C. Jones
The successful establishment and continuation of community clubs in Middle Tennessee, Roy Madison Luna
The suggestibility of memory: individual differences, environmental factors and psycho-legal implications, Jennifer Sadoff
The survival of bacteria after exposure to two types of dairy cleaners, Herbert Charles Holt
The swine leukocyte antigen system and its relationship to vascular allograft survival, Joan E. Bray
The Synthesis and Optimization of Sulfide and Halide Solid Electrolytes for All Solid-State Batteries, Teerth Brahmbhatt
The synthesis of compounds for the treatment of current health concerns : potent anti-HIV agents and cholesterol-lowering functional food products, Anthony Michael Condo
The Telecommunication Act of 1996 and its impact on local land-use ordinances, Wendell D. Hardin
The Telecommunications Act of 1996: the policy's impact on southeastern jurisdictions that had lawsuits overturn public hearing decisions, Todd Kenneth Morgan
The teleomorph of Cylindrosporium filipendulae Thuem. and its development in Spiraea x vanhouttei Zabel, Margaret A. Ragan
The three ring self : Robert Penn Warren's circus aesthetic and southern intertextuality, Patricia Anne Lankford Bradley
The totalitarian model revisited : an assessment of the post-Mao regime change, Sujian Guo
The transition from boyhood to manhood among Kikuyu men living in the United States : the experience of the male circumcision ritual in sun-Sahara Africa, Michael Njoroge Mbito
The treatment of religious issues in psychotherapy : an investigation into the expiences of psychotherapy patients, Jodie Sutton Castellani
The unbidden gaze: imagery and its relation to hypnosis, Mark Moore
The unidentified nutrients found in animal protein concentrates, Edward L. Stevenson
The uptake and utilization of potassium by corn inbreds and hybrids, Raymond N. Gallaher
The uranyl adsorption capacity and selectivity studies on organic/inorganic hybrid sol-gel sorbents, Yongsoon Shin
The use of a flail type forage harvester as a hay conditioner, Joshua Joseph Fenn
The use of aluminum sulfate hydrate in the alleviation of the effects of abnormally increased levels of fluorine ingested by cattle and sheep, Harmon E. Galey
The use of analog and digital presentations of altitude on the head-up displays of tactical jet fighters, Michael Sean Murphy
The use of art therapy to deal with low self-esteem among the aged ; selected case studies, Elizabeth Eichelbaum
The use of chemical analyses in predicting nutritive value of forages as measured by an in vitro and a nylon bag method, Reuben Buford Moore
The use of esophageal-fistulated steers to determine flourine intake of cattle grazing flourine-contaminated forage, Joseph John Mascola
The use of impact fees and facilities taxes in Franklin, Tennessee, Robert Clinton Garrison
The use of iron in the control of cottonseed meal poisoning, DeWitt Talmage Hardin
The use of plant growth regulators to enhance yield and production effiiency of soybean (Glycine Max L. Merrill), Amma Pokua Bruce
The use of radio to increase parental involvement in education of their children, Rita Charlsia Patterson
The Use of Response Card Interventions to Increase Active Responding in Students with Disabilities in the Postsecondary Classroom, Jessica D. Kotik
The use of sodium lactate as an antimicrobial agent in pork, Mavis Jeanette Richardson
The use of stabilizers in ice cream, Herman N. Carringer
The use of stomatal resistance, photopigments, nitrogen, water potential, and radiation to estimate net photosynthesis in Liriodendron tulipifera L. a physiological index, Curtis John Richardson
The use of tetrafluoroethylene (teflon) in farm equipment for reducing friction, Sankara Narayana Reddy
The use of the oxidase test for enumerating psychrophilic bacteria in cottage cheese, Kadumpalli Anjan Reddy
The use of Trichoderma spp. to reduce seedling disease severity in cotton, Cipta Ginting
The use of ultrasonic fat measurements of 8mm and 10mm as a marketing guide for feeder heifers, Delmer F. Lowe
The use of urea in ensiled versus nonensiled complete feeds for lactating dairy cattle, Dennis B. Longmire
The use of wood chips to control soil erosion on construction sites, John Raymond Buchanan
The use of X-ray techniques in dwarfism studies in beef cattle, Elliott Darby Adams
The utility and implications of empathy in the workplace, Wendy C. Chambers
The utility of measures of fatness and skeletal size in explaining weight and size differences in yearling Angus and Hereford bulls, Arthur Laxton Eller
The utilization of compost heat in small-scale aquaculture, David A. Turner
The utilization of remote sensing in soil survey, William A. Alexander
The utlization [sic] of New Urbanism in local land use planning : a case study of the Township Concept in Cherokee County, Georgia., Kevin D. Keller
The validation analysis of the forgiving personality scale, Vidhya Iyer
The validity of eliciting and coding personal narratives: understanding the properties of coherence and richness, Daniel Thomas Rogers
The value and availability of the phosphorus in a high-phosphorus and low-phosphorus red clover hay to growing beef calves, George William Bible
The Varying Probability of Fission Model for Calculation of Neutron Moments and Applications, Aaron B. Nowack
The vegetative propagation of yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.), Jackson B. Jett
The Vices and Virtues in the Evolution of the Grotesque from Medieval to Modern Literature, David Arnold Hambright
The views of university-level Japanese instructors on incoming students for university-level Japanese classes, Mieko Hirukawa Preston
The visual-oral conditional reasoning test : predicting scholastic misconduct and deception, Philip Dwayne Green
The vulnerability of Tennessee's nonindustrial private forest lands to the federal estate tax, Charles Callis Niehaus
The wholesale fresh fruit and vegetable market structure in Tennessee, Willie Kirby Davis
The Wholesome meat act and the Tennessee livestock-meat industry, Robert John Hopkins
The woman traveller in French literature of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, Anna Moore Morton
The yield and uptake of nutrients by selected corn genotypes as influenced by nitrogen fertilization, Elmer Lee Ashburn
Thin film stress studies using microcantilevers and microcantilever sensors, Zhiyu Hu
Thiocarbamate and antidote effects on corn hybrids, John Michael Kennedy
This strangely beautiful solitude: an archaeological and historical study of Uffington House, 40MO145, Rugby, Tennessee, Paul Gordon Avery
Thomas J. Blanchard, carpenter in rural East Tennessee, Deborah B. Lowry
Thorstein Veblen on culture, biology, and evolution, Raymond Anthony Maynard
Three-dimensional rigid body trailer liftoff model, Junyu Li
Three Essays in Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Vasudha Chopra
Three essays in industrial organization, Richard Guy Cox
Three Essays on the Economics of Education, Ge Wu
Three methods of producing slaughter bulls, James Emerson Cloar
Three U.S. networks' (ABC, CBS, and NBC) international news coverage of South Korea, Yongchan Kim
Three years' work comparing normal corn silage with grainless silage for finishing beef cattle, Henry Rankin Duncan
Throwing fuel on the fire: Reggie White's role in the media coverage of a Tennessee church arson, Roger Norman Hammitt
Tiburce's kiss and other extraordinary happenings in Chaucer's Second nun's tale, Kelly M. Waldrop
TikTok Use and Body Dissatisfaction: Examining Direct, Indirect, and Moderated Relations, Danielle Leigh Mink
Timber availability and the influence of absentee ownership, James Levourn Wiggins
Time and methods of liquid dairy manure application for nitrogen utilization in corn silage production, José A. Rangel
Time lags in the impact of public investment in water resources: The Tennessee Valley Region, 1936-1968, Audley Eugene Hileman
Time series analysis of prices received by Tennessee farmers, 1910-64, Johnny Dale Braden
Tissue fat of the jawbone cavity as an indicator of condition of the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginanus) in Tennessee, Robert Gordon Nichols
Titanium nitride and silicon nitride films grown by pulsed laser deposition, Won-Seok Kim
Tobacco production practices and net returns per acre from burley tobacco in Anderson County, Tennessee, E. F. Ivens
Tolerance of Soybeans and Grain Sorghum to Fluometuron Residue, Alton Wayne Jackson
Tolerance of soybeans and grain sorghum to tetrafluoron residues, Dickie L. Reasons
Tomato Flower Detection and Three-Dimensional Mapping for Precision Pollination, Kaitlyn McKensie Nelms
Tomato production and weed control in no-tillage versus conventional tillage, Paulus P. Shelby
Tongue, heart, and liver tissues as sources of calcium and total vitamins for rats, Gurujala N. Subbasastry
Topics related to the sum of unitary divisors of an integer, Charles Robert Wall
"To secure these rights": Richmond, the Constitution and the Union, 1787-1861, Melody Riddle Durham
Total Absorption Spectroscopy of Mo-106 and Tc-106, Michael Cooper
Total Physical Response Storytelling with Undergraduate Foreign Language Learners: Exploring Vocabulary Growth, Eva M. Jones
To those who do not know my story I will not be anybody in particular : the containment of female voice in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Alias Grace, Rachel Ann Simon
Toward Accelerated Qualification of ATF Claddings: An In-Situ Burst Testing Framework and Insights into Zr Alloy LOCA Behavior, Samuel Bernat Walker Bell
Toward a Decolonial Creative Writing Workshop: Mbari as a Case Study in Examining Intercultural Models for Arts Education, James W. Ryan and Steve Westbrook
Toward an understanding of the global phylogeny of the Trilliaceae, Susan Baker Farmer
Toward Generating Efficient Deep Neural Networks, Chengcheng Li
Towards Expressive and Versatile Visualization-as-a-Service (VaaS), Tanner C. Hobson
Towards Machine Reading Comprehension to Advance Biomedical Text Understanding in The Absence of Large-scale Labeled Dataset, Maria Mahbub
Towards Reduced-order Model Accelerated Optimization for Aerodynamic Design, Andrew L. Kaminsky
To What Extent Does Early Childhood Education Impact Later Involvement with the Juvenile Justice System?, Sonya Edwards
Tractive performance of lawn and garden tractor tires during vehicle operation on turf, Joe R. Sarten
Tractor instrumentation for monitoring energy inputs to implements, William Earl Hart
Training high school students in public speaking, Carl Elmo Johnson
Trajectory optimization and performance sensitivity studies of NASA Langley's proposed small satellite launch system, Brett Randall Starr
Transcriptional and translational inhibitors block serotonergic phase advances of the SCN circadian pacemaker in vitro, Aneta Jovanovska
Transcriptomic studies of color development and powdery mildew resistance in Cornus dogwood species, Zaklina Pavlovic
Transformative ethics consultation : a supplement to ethics facilitation for emotionally charged health care value conflicts, David Joseph Perlman
Transforming Harm: The Crises of Opioids, Conjunctural Politics, and Struggles for Care in Southern Appalachia, Kyra A. Martinez
Transition Metal Computational Catalysis: Mechanistic Approaches and Development of Novel Performance Metrics, Brett Anthony Smith
Translational Models for Advancement of Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering, Kristin Marie Bowers
Transmission of somatic embryogenesis via sexual hybridization in Dactylis glomerata L., Anita M. Lujan
Transmission of somatic embryogenesis via sexual hybridization in Dactylis glomerata L., Anita M. Lujan
Transport and stocking stresses on juvenile striped bass, Jeffrey P. Durniak
Transportation problems and assignment problems, Jayosree Mukherjee
Transportation System Performance and Traveler Behavior in the Context of a Systemwide Shock: Applications of Data Science Toward a Sustainable Future, A. Latif Patwary
Transport of imazethapyr in undisturbed soil columns as related to imazethapyr persistence in soil solution, James David O'Dell
Travel demand forecasting : use of quick response system II software, Barbara Grim Hatcher
Travels: the creation of a modern dance, Melinda Ellen Brown
Trees for Iraq from homoclimates, Mouaffaq D. Yahya
Tribal ecopoesis in the Eastern United States, Roger E. Dendinger
Triglyceride composition of naked-seed pumpkin seed oil, Tae Hyong Rhew
Triple threat : chimeric immunoglobulins for the antagonism, prevention, and treatment of autoimmunity, Kevin L. Legge
Troubling gender : transgression and postmodern fiction, Kristi Larkin Havens
True selective grazing exhibited by beef cattle as determined after adjusting for esophageal fistula effects, Samuel Winfred Coleman
Trumpetcreeper response to selected herbicides, Steven L. Pyle
Tungsten fluorides : synthesis and characterization, and electrochemical investigations in the FLINAK molten salt eutectic, Sven Erik Eklund
Turbidity of farm pond water and the effect of centrifugal force upon its removal, Rex Duane Haren
Turning Insight into Action: A Case Study Assessing the Use of Consumer Behavior Data in Minor League Baseball Marketing and Communication Strategies, Jessica R. Braunstein-Minkove and Ari Kim
TV station managers' attitudes towards the implementation of digital television, Jeffrey K. Oberg
Twentieth century changes in the freshwater mussel fauna of the Clinch River (Tennessee and Virginia), Steven Ahlstedt
Two Essays on International Beef and Poultry Consumer Demand, Bhishma Raj Dahal
Two-stage solenoid design, Jeremy Myers
Type and breed as factors effecting taste and consumer preference of beef, Louis A. Odom
Type Interference for Java Bytecodes, Tracey Shanese Hughes
Types and tales : a study of four subjects' temperaments and the stories they tell, Dana Adams Tate
UH-60 Global Positioning System (GPS) tactical approach investigation, Mark Maurice Jackson
Ultrasonic estimates of muscle and fat thickness in live cattle as predictors of carcass yield, A. Estes Reynolds
Ultrasound-Guided Intravenous Access as a First-Line Approach by Nurses: A Quality Improvement Project, James Austin Burkhart, Pamela Hardesty, and Melissa McDonald
Ultrastructural and functional effects of lead poisoning on adult canine myocardium : assessment of thiamin treatment, Nancy Gail Kincaid
Ultrastructural histochemical localization of Beta-Glycerophosphatase and Adenosine Triphosphatase activity in developing cotton fiber Gossypium Hirsutum L. cv. Hancock, Priyavadan A. Joshi
Ultrastructural morphometric analysis of the uterine epithelium during early pregnancy, Scott Edward Smith
Ultraviolet radiation effects on aging hams in high moisture conditions, Robert S. Erwin
Unbounded Bergman operators, Sherwin Kouchekian-Sabour
Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Design Optimization, Austin Ryan Williams
Uncertainty : the ethical basis for the economic theories of Frank H. Knight and John M. Keynes, William Burl Greer
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting April 11, 2023
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting August 30, 2022
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting February 14, 2023
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting March 7, 2023
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting November 1, 2022
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting November 28, 2023
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting November 29, 2022
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting October 31, 2023
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting September 26, 2023
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting September 27, 2022
Undergraduate Council Minutes of Meeting September 5, 2023
Understanding and Simulating Wildfire Changes Using Advanced Statical and Process-Oriented Models, Rongyun Tang
Understanding host-microbe interactions in maize kernel and sweetpotato leaf metagenomic profiles., Alison K. Adams
Understanding isothermal crystallization and subsequent melting behavior of syndiotactic polypropylene, Pitt Supaphol
Understanding lignin’s fast pyrolysis through examination of the thermolysis mechanisms of model oligomers, Ross Wesley Houston
Understanding Structure-Property Relationships in Deep Eutectic Solvents, Stephanie Spittle
Understanding the molecular level physics of Liquid Crystalline Polymers : adsorption and shear studies, Sudha Chidambaram
Understanding The Polymerization of Ethyl Cyanoacrylate in the Superglue Fuming of Latent Prints To Optimize Print Retrieval, Leondra Shawntae Lawson
Understanding Transparency in Supply Chains, Lucy N. Buck
Understanding what consumers value about brands : an extension of the value hierarchy framework, Amy Stevenson Cathey
(Un)Grading as Institutional Ecology: How (Alternative) Assessment Choices Shape Writing Classrooms, Megan Von Bergen
Unification of place and technology : a regional airport in West Virginia, Matthew J. Lerfald
Uniqueness and summability of two-dimensional Walsh series and their generalizations, Douglas S. Daniel
University Students’ Perspectives of Visual-based Cyberbullying on Instagram, Li-Min Huang
Unlocking the Potential of Machine Learning in the Derivation of Low-Energy Models for Metallic Magnets, Vikram Sharma
Unraveling Plant-Microbe-Microbe Interactions: Host and Microbial Colonization Determinants Across Experimental Scales, Bridget O'Banion
Unsupervised machine learning of tornado-producing storms in the southeastern United States, Morgan R. Steckler
Uptake of selected heavy metal from municipal sewage sludge by tall fescue, lettuce and radish plants, Tommy Allen Bowers
Uranium Holdup Mass Quantification by Hybrid Gamma Imaging, Blake R. Montz
Urban and rural differentials in change in the agricultural phase of 4-H Boy's club work in selected Tennessee counties, 1941-1961, Veerabhadrappa Chanoveerappa Hittalmani
Urbanization on the Landscape of the Old City: An Archaeological Investigation of Site 40KN223 in Knoxville, Tennessee, Garrett B. Wamack
Use of activated charcoal to reduce injury to selected cucurbits by ethalfluralin or pendimethalin, John Michael Kennedy
Use of a municipal sewage sludge as a source of fertilizer nitrogen : nitrogen availability and cadmium-zinc interactions, Frank J. Sikora
Use of antitranspirants to improve water relations of Senecio cruentus DC. H̓ansaℓ̓, Georgia Lea Bresenham
Use of Automatic Metaheuristic Optimizations for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, Christopher Busch
"Use of Clinical Mental Health Counseling Student and Client Recording in Practicum: An Overview of CACREP Training Programs in the SACES Region", Mona Gallo, Daniel Romero, and Daniel Melear
Use of controller performance monitoring and data analysis techniques in the detection and diagnosis of PID control loop problems, John Wesley Cox
Use of episodic and seasonal controls to lower ozone concentrations : their impact and cost effectiveness, Carol Helen Norman
Use of Experimental Evolution to Select for Listeria Phages in Food Environments and Assessing the Prevalence of Listeria spp. in Soil, Claire N. Schamp
Use of growth parameters of feeder steers to predict finishing performance, Teri L. Ingle
Use of hydrogen peroxide as a milk preservative, Maheswaran Subrahmanyam
Use of interior design practices by Tennessee home demonstration club members and general homemakers, Roberta E. Stinson
Use of merchantable height and correlated measurements in taper equations, John H. Fowler
Use of pneumatics in a precision snap bean planter, Sarjapuram Hanumappa Thimmappa
Use of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to improve radiation dosimetry for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), Mohammad Khurram Khan
Use of Research as a Tool to Enhance Nuclear Security Education, Mostafa Kofi, Zenobia S. Homan, Jason Timothy Harris, and Lamiaa E. Fiala Prof.
Use of second formant transition and relative amplitude cues in labeling nasal place of articulation, Susan Lynn Frisbee
Use of Shuttle Orbiter aerodynamic data to validate accomodation coefficient models, Nadine Lynelle Lashier
Use of Synchromate-B treatment for estrus synchronization in beef cows and heifers and its subsequent effect on reproductive performance, Johnnie Russell Vaughan
Use patterns and visitor characteristics, attitudes, and preferences of horseback riders at the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Lisa Rene Knauf
Use patterns, preferences, and social impacts of floaters on three southern appalachian rivers, Cary D. McDonald
User Preferences for TVA Recreation Areas on Watts Bar and Chickamauga Reservoirs, John R. Collins Jr.
Uses of college radio station web sites : an exploratory study, Steven Robert McClung
Using a marginal criteria to determine optimal fungus-free fescue establishment, Jeffrey L. Adkins
Using Fiber-Optic Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) to Identify Human Decomposition Fluid Characteristics in Plant Leaves and Soil, Anielle Duncan
Using geographic information systems for business logistics analysis, Kenneth M. Bennett
Using historical foundations as the catalyst for new growth : an industrial incubator for Vestal, Tennessee, Linda Gail Snodgrass
Using information at work : a naturalistic inquiry into how employees in a selected financial institution obtain and use information, Randell Keith Day
Using Mobile Apps to Improve Medication Adherence in Patients with Hypertension, Elliot Loughran and Jewyl Gibson
Using neural networks for interpolating aerodynamic data, Donald Jay Atkins
Using Novel Phenotypes to Understand and Predict Fertility in Beef Cows, Cassidy Catrett
Using Quantitative Wood Anatomy to Improve Tree-Ring Reconstructions of Climate and Environmental Disturbances, Savannah Anne Collins-Key
Using the Five Ps: Conceptualizing COVID-19-Related Mental Health Concerns, Christine D. Gonzales-Wong and Scott Peters
Using yeast to implement DNA-based algorithms, Colton Arlington Smith
U.S. television news coverage of Korea and Japan : a comparative content analysis of evening news, Jowon Park
Utility of imazethapyr in soybean weed management systems, Mark Peyton Harrison
Utility of various variables recorded from weanling beef calves for predicting yearling variables, Gisela R. Dellmeier
Utilization of carp and other skeletal muscle tissues in a puffed snack food, Zaharah Wahid
Utilization of fruits by freezing, James Robert Kelley
Utilization of heat precipitated whey protein, Firyal B. Al-Dabbagh
Utilization of Integer Programming for Scheduling Maintenance at Nuclear Power Plants, Timothy Gallacher
Utilization of low-quality hardwood in the production of charcoal, Billy Gene Hicks
Utilization of Maltlage in complete rations for lactating cows and replacement dairy heifers, Bobby E. Jones
Utilization of phosphorus from dicalcium phosphate and defluorinated phosphate supplements by rumen bacteria in vitro and by lambs fed a semi-purified ration, Venkatachalam Satchidanandam
Utilizing Phylogenetic and Geochemical Techniques to Examine Echinoderms Through Time, Maggie Ryan Limbeck
Utilizing ultra-performance chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry to investigate fatty acid mediated antibiotic tolerance, Brittni Woodall
Validation of predictive production rates using historical data, Brent Alan Thornton
Values of grass silage for finishing beef heifers : in vitrio studies, Lucy A. McMahan
Varations in land-labor resources and optimum enterprise organizations of farms in the Brown Soil Area of West Tennessee, William Butler Cowan
Variability for components of yield induced in soybeans by seed treatment with gamma radiation, fission neutrons, and ethylmethane sulfonate, Larry Wayne Skinner
Variability in corn; an analysis of Neal Paymaster, an outstanding Tennessee variety, Ludwig S. Mayer
Variability of the levels of P, K, Ca and Mg in annual lespedeza, Timothy Pitts Campbell
Variable application rate control system for field scale research, Seth Wrenne Rye
Variables affecting the distributive impact of employment in new manufacturing industry in rural Tennessee, Maurice R. Landes
Variational formulations for a parabolic partial differential equation describing variably saturated flow, Shabbir Ahmed
Variation among genotypes for aluminum and manganese accumulation in burley tobacco, Thomas Charles Corbin
Variation, heritability, and gain in open-pollinated progeny plantations of Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.), Sammy David Todd
Variation in American sycamore (Plantanus occidentalis L.) on the western Highland Rim of Tennessee, George Samuel Foster Jr.
Variation in beef sires as measured by differences in their daughter productivity, William Lafayette Williams
Variation in flower and pod abortion among soybean varieties of three maturity groups, Evelyn E. Richmond
Variation in the vegetative characters of Balbo rye, Jefferson Davis Carr
Variations in leaflet orientation among soybean cultivars, Thomas J. Wofford
Variations in leasing arrangements and optimum farm organizations for part-time and part-retired farmers in West Tennessee, David Mayo Pearson
Variation within and among species in a pine arboretum, Adlai L. Platt
Varietal responses of soybeans to different row spacings, Varadarajulu Subbiah
Variety and topping effects of yield and quality of okra, Fakirappa C. Angadi
Various effects of high levels of flourine ingested as sodium fluoride on pregnant beef heifers, James B. Pardue
Verification and validation of TRAF-NETSIM model through actual field observations in Amman-Jordan, Sami Said Ghezawi
Verification of beam on elastic foundation solution for edge loaded cylindrical shells, Sherry L. Caperton
Vertical distribution of soil phosphorus and potassium on several established alfalfa stands that received various rates of annual fertilization, Kenneth L. Wells
Vertical transport dynamics of striped bass eggs, Rita J. Schrader
Viennese Mélange: one part coffee, one part nationhood, Daniel Camden Hubbard
Violence in cohabiting and married couples, Tamela Marie Wheeler
Visitor Attitudes and Perceptions on Vegetation Management along the Blue Ridge Parkway, Kathlyne A. McGee
Visual Preferences for Edge Environment Themes, Edward James Ruddell
Visual preferences of a forest trail environment, Brian Edward Keyes
Visual Working Memory Encoding and Action: An Investigation using fNIRS and Mouse-tracking, Kaleb Thomas Kinder
Vocational agriculture building, facilities and equipment based on instructional needs in the Rogersville community, J. Eldridge Price
Volatile fatty acid production after different lengths of in vitro fermentation and its value as a predictor of the performance of grazing steers, Peter Eldon Shumway
Volatile fatty acid production and its relationship with average daily gains of steers grazing two types of pasture, Huei Chyuan Wang
Volumetric reconstruction in the microCAT tomography system, Joshua Edward Cates
Voluntary simplicity : an organizational analysis, Patricia Anne Allen
V/STOL flight control functionality research to improve handling qualities in the jetborne and semi-jetborne flight regimes, Jeffrey A. Karnes
Water availability as a cross-scale driver of microbial functions and free viral abundance in soil, Aubrey K. Fine
Water quality as related to the concentrations of nitrate-N, chloride, orthophosphate-P, and dissolved solids in runoff from agricultural watersheds, Jimmy C. Castellaw
Water quality characteristics, temporal trends, and influencing factors for selected streams in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Glenn Richard Harwell
Water-quality-induced stress upon striped bass populations in three East Tennessee reservoirs, Denise L. Benson
Water-quality-induced stress upon striped bass populations in three East Tennessee reservoirs, Denise L. Benson
Water quality in mined and unmined watersheds in East Tennessee, Charles W. Becker
Weaning and carcass correlation of meat type swine, Suwithaya Pollarp
“Weaving all of them together”: How Writing Majors Talk about Creative Writing, T J. Geiger
"We didn't miss a day" : a history in narratives of schooling efforts for Jewish children and youths in German-occupied Europe, Lisa Anne Plante
Weed control efficacy and plant residue determination of oxyfluorfen applied preemergence in transplanted broccoli, William H. Eaton
Weed control in sweet potatoes with N-1 naphthyl phthalamic acid, James Elbert Byrd
Weed control, population density change and herbicide persistence in soils in no-tillage and conventional tillage soybean-wheat double cropping systems, Fitzroy Dennis Bullock
Werk at Play: Exploring the Creative Play of a Graduate Student Writer to Reimagine Graduate Writing in the Humanities, Michelle LaFrance and Jay Hardee
What constitutes an effective vocational agriculture program in the Puryear community, Earl Wagner Bennett
"What is the future of vocational agriculture in the eyes of Southern Illinois administrators?", Herman Hale Adkerson
What we don't know about memory error : differential effects of experimental memory distortion conditions, Jeffrey J. Borckardt
Wheat and tobacco injury resulting from flumetralin usage in Tennessee burley tobacco production, Paulus P. Shelby
When “a haircut is not just a haircut”: The Embodied Deconversions of Former Pentecostal and Holiness Women, Casey Renee Kellogg
When the Rural Hospital Closes: An Analysis of Acute Health Impacts Following Closure of Rural Hospitals in Appalachia, Bret M. Berry
"When they start doing things like that, they are ready to go" : what the infant's transition from the infant classroom to the toddler classroom means to teachers, Eliza Labouisse Dean
Where Analytics Gets It Wrong, Nicholas Watanabe and Johan Rewilak
Where’s My Favorite Dictator? An Analysis of the American Empire In Post-Revolution Egypt, Jeremy Alan Brill Booth
Whiteness and Racial (Non)Knowing In a Historically Sundown Town, Abigail Christine Tobias-Lauerman
Who Gave You Permission to Rearrange Me? Certainly Not Me: Examining the Racialized Nature of Beauty vis-a-vis Colorism, Skin Bleaching, and Life Chance, Natasha P. Ellis
Wholesale fruit and vegetable market, William S. Crawford
Why collegiate head tennis coaches enter into and remain in the coaching profession, Anne Miller Cox
Why compete? : a two-part philosophical and narrative rebuttal to competition, Jeffrey James Gorbski
Why former Tennessee teachers of vocational education left the profession, Edwin Eugene Lamberth
Why is Johnny failing? it depends on who you ask, Jody Gordon Manning
Wildlife knowledge and attitudes of Tennessee 4-H Wildlife Conference alumni from 1973 to 1981, Sheila Munsey Andreasen
Wildlife management guide for the Chuck Swan Wildlife Management Area, Larry Elliott Safley
Wintering dairy heifers on hay with and without pasture, Fred Gill Laine
Within and among population genetic variation in Fagus grandifolia within Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Ashley Lynn Brigham Morris
Women and philanthropy : making a difference in higher education, Dorothy Elizabeth Bressi
Women as a Force Multiplier for Bringing Nuclear Forensic Capabilities to the International Stage, Heather M. Dion, Caterina Fox, Kim Knight, and Anne Phillip
Women in Nuclear Power Programs: Case Studies from Africa, Jessica S. Burniske, Chanel Chauvet-Maldonado, Beth Kaboro, Madalina Man, and Susan Nalumansi
Women's experience in outdoor programs : factors that influence the quality, Morgen May Gebhards
Wood density of three oak species in East Tennessee : 1940-45 and 1970-75, Mark Loudin Hughes
Work ethic and job satisfaction among emergency medical services personnel, Marilyn Fisher Hutton
Work Experience with Voytechnology Partners, Jackson O. Ferguson
Working against the sadness : personal loss and poetic healing in the poetry of Jane Kenyon, Donald Hall, Raymond Carver, and Tess Gallagher, Jo Angela Edwins
Working memory and writing : a comparison of two types of dynamic assessment of working memory and the relationship to writing ability of heterogeneously grouped seventh grade students, Sandra Regina Machleit
Working parent perceptions of work-related problems and preferences associated with child care arrangements, Tabitha Leigh Adams
World trade and the Tennessee farmer : an overview of trade-induced instability and its effects on individual farms, John Arrin Gillies
World War Two Veterans Training In Memphis Veterans Institute Operated by the Board of Education of the Memphis City Schools, William A. Bourne
Writing instruction as an authentic context for targeting speech and language therapy goals for deaf and hard of hearing children., Kristen Secora, Kimberly A. Wolbers, and Hannah Dostal
Writing the German catastrophe : Mann, Meinecke, Spengler, and the fatal appeal of National Socialism, David Mark Grimm Choberka
Xanthan Gum Isolation Alternative via Ultrafiltration, Anna Beth Malone, Jeffrey Greer, Lareesa Thomas, and Lucy Moore
X-rays, body measurements, and uronic acid excretion of calves heterozygous and homozygous normal for Snorter dwarfism, John Thomas Leeman
Yam (Dioscorea spp) flour fortification with protein of soybean flour, Gabriel Ade Falasinnu
Yellow-poplar veneer in the southern pine plywood industry, Andrew L. Miller
Yield and chemical composition of corn and oats grown at different root temperatures in soil and nutrient solutions at different phosphorus levels, Charles F. Gregory
Yield and chemical composition of soybeans as affected by Molybdenum and lime, Dennis B. Seaton
Yield and growth rate of sweet potatoes as influenced by transplant orientation, David Wilson Monks
Yield and laboratory evaluations of five triticale cultivars, Arthur wheat and Balbo rye in East Tennessee, C. Wayne Smith
Yield and quality of burley tobacco as affected by feeding of adult tobacco flea beetles, Epitrix hirtipennis (Melsheimer) (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae), John Reid Evans
Yield and quality responses of summer annual grasses to different management regimes, Rodney J. Creel
Yield and selected chemical and morphological responses of several soybean cultivars to soil pH, Nuri H. Al-Mohammadi
Yield models, components, and interrelationships in upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L, Buford A. Maner
Yield probability evaluations for summer annual forages on some Tennessee soils, William Eugene Bryan
Yields and nutrient relationships of corn grown in small grain-legume cover crops, John Hurst Lyle
You're in our world now : sex and gaming styles in massive multiplayer online gaming, Todd H. Muldrew
"You're Not Thriving, You're Just Trying to Survive the Environment that You're In:" Mental Performance Consultants' Narratives of Emotional Abuse in Sport, Victoria Lynn Bradshaw
Zinc nutrition of three corn cultivars (Zea mays L.) as affected by environment and zinc rates, Michael Karl Wade
Z₄-linear codes, Terri Annette Bedford
Zydeco : ethnicity in a music of Louisiana, Kara Denise Boyd