Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Harold A. Core

Committee Members

Donald A. Stumbo, Garland R. Wells


Yellow-poplar, Liriodendron tulipifera L., is an expanding timber resource of the southern Appalachian region. This resource has the potential to be utilized more completely. This study was done to examine one possible use of yellow-poplar, as a veneer in the southern pine plywood industry. In considering this use three main areas were examined: the technical feasibility, resource availability, and the economic feasibility of producing yellow-poplar veneer. A literature search as well as personal communication and visitation were used to obtain data on the technology involved when using yellow-poplar. Special emphasis was placed on yellow-poplar in relation to its potential use with southern yellow pine. Resource availability data were obtained from the United States Forest Service and Tennessee Valley Authority and were examined for possible plant locations. A computer simulation program of the Forest Service was used to examine cost factors. The data, used as inputs, were gathered from information supplied by industry as well as the American Plywood Association. It was found that an increasing supply of yellow-poplar was occurring in the region studied. This supply was believed to be of high quality which would peel well on a rotary lathe. The technical problems involved with using yellow-poplar were considered to be insignificant. It was felt that, technically, yellow-poplar could be used in the industry with existing equipment with only minor changes in heating and drying schedules. Cost factors were found to be comparable to those of southern pine. The cost involved in peeling and using yellow-poplar veneers was not prohibitive. It was concluded that yellow-poplar veneer was suitable for use as a substitute veneer in the southern pine plywood industry.

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