Doctoral Dissertations


Yongsoon Shin

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Craig E. Barnes

Committee Members

Lee Magid, Ziling Xue, Robert Counce, Sheng Dai


This research could not have been completed without the help of a number of individuals. My advisors, Dr. Craig Barnes and Dr. Sheng Dai, helped me a lot in this work. The knowledge about chemistry that I have learned through conversations with Dr. Barnes and Dr. Dai is immeasurable. In addition, I value their friendship and appreciate their advice and financial support during the past few years.

I have enjoyed working with the members of my research group at University and at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. I have worked closely with Dr. Waezsada and Mark Burleigh, and Suree Saengkerdsub. I am glad to have had the opportunity to work with them and will miss spending time with them. Yuhong Ju, another member of my research group, contributed to this research as a visiting fellow and have been very helpful during the past year. My thanks and good wishes also go out to my other lab mates : Chris Morrow, John Clavier, and Erin Myers.

The help of the staff in Chemical Technology Division of ORNL, Dr. Mac Toth, Dr. David Williams, Dr. G. D. Del Cul, Darrel Simmons, and Patsy Hughes have been especially helpful and I have a great appreciation for their support.

My thanks also go out to Dr. Ziling Xue, Dr. Lee Magid, and Dr. Robert Counce for serving on my defence committee and for helping in various aspects of my work.

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