"The effect of potash fertilization on mineral composition, yield, and " by Harry Wittels

Masters Theses


Harry Wittels

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Lloyd F. Seats

Committee Members

Royal E. Shanks


Variety, climate, soil treatment, and soil composition are believed to be the principal factors causing variation in yields, composition, and stalk breakage in corn but the specific effects of each factor are not well understood. Although when all but one of these factors are controlled it should be possible to determine definite relationship between variations in this factor and plant growth and composition, relatively relatively such relationships have been established. The interrelations among soil fertility status, crop yield, plant composition, and growth habits on specific soils should be known for more efficient soil management and fertilizer use.

As a contribution to this general objective, the objectives of the present research have been to;

(1) to study the influence of time and rate of potassium fertilization on yield and amount of stalk breakage in corn at different nitrogen levels.

(2) to determine the effect of time and rate of potassium application on the potash and calcium composition of a com hybrid.

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