"Utilization of Maltlage in complete rations for lactating cows and rep" by Bobby E. Jones

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

Monty J. Montgomery

Committee Members

D. O. Richardson, J. W. Holloway


To evaluate the intake and milk production response of lactating cows fed complete rations containing Maltlage,* 38 Holstein cows were randomly assigned to the following dietary treatments at calving: 1) 3:1 as fed ratio of corn silage to concentrate plus soybean meal, 2) 1:1 as fed ratio of corn silage to Maltlage. All cows were fed five pounds of alfalfa hay per day to prevent milkfat depression, and six pounds of concentrate per head daily in the milking parlor. Daily dry matter intake (lb.) per 100 pounds of body weight, daily milk production (lb.), fat (percent), and 4 percent fat corrected milk (lb.), for two treat-ments were: 1) 2.69, 66.2, 3.03, 56.1; 2) 2.21, 63.0, 2.93, 52.3. The differences in the production variables for milk, milkfat, and 4 percent fat corrected milk were not significant (P<.05). Treat-ment had a significant effect (P<.01) on daily dry matter intake. Cows fed the 1:1 ratio of corn silage to Maltlage consumed less dry matter than cows fed the 3:1 ratio of corn silage to concentrate. The data suggest that acceptable lactation performance can be pro-duced by complete rations containing a 1:1 ratio of corn silage to Maltlage / *Maltlage is a registered trademark of Murphy Products Company, Inc., and denotes a mixture containing wet brewers grains, corn and f mineral-vitamin supplement. Average composition of Maltlage used in this study is in Table 1. To determine the growth performance of calves fed complete feeds containing corn silage and Maltlage, forty Holstein heifer calves were individually fed the following rations: 1) 3:1 ratio of corn silage to grain plus soybean meal, 2) 1:1 ratio of corn silage to Maltlage, 3) ad libitum intake of corn silage plus Maltlage fed separately at the rate of two pounds per 100 pounds of body weight. These rations were fed from birth to 30 weeks of age. Milk replacer or unsaleable whole milk was fed up to six weeks of age. Cumulative average daily gain (lb.), length (in.), height (in„), paunch circumference (in.) and dry matter intake per 100 pounds of body weight for each treatment at 30 weeks were: 1. 1.62, 32.4, 43.8, 64.2, 3.12; : 2. 1.52, 31.9, 42.7, 63.5, 2.62; and, 3. 1.15, 29.6, 40.2, 59.4, 2.62. Significant treatment differences were found in average daily gain body weight, length, height, paunch circumference, and dry matter intake per 100 pounds of body weight. Feeding Maltlage separately at two pounds per 100 body weight (Treatment 3) produced less acceptable performance than the complete rations, (Treatment 1 and 2). This data suggests that Holstein calves may be raised successfully on complete rations containing a 1:1 ratio of corn silage to Maltlage.

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