Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Curtis C. Melton

Committee Members

M. J. Riemann, J. R. Mount


A total of 48 hams were initially cured in a similar manner country style. Upon completion of equilization, 24 of the hams were randomly chosen and covered with paraffin wax, while the remaining 24 hams were unwaxed. Twenty-four of these hams, 12 waxed and 12 unwaxed, were allowed to age 100 days and the other 24 were aged an additional 200 days. At the end of the aging period, center slices were removed from each ham for chemical and sensory analysis. The waxed hams shrank 0.28 lbs. after 100 days while the unwaxed hams shrank 1.04 lbs. and after 200 days the waxed hams shrank to 0.69 lbs. while the waxed hams shrank 1.97 lbs. This shrinkage was signifi-cantly different (p<.01). The waxed hams maintained a significantly (p<.01) higher percentage moisture level of 54.21% compared to 52.16% for unwaxed at 100 days and 51.24% waxed compared to 46.25% unwaxed at 200 days. Protein levels also differed (p<.01) with the unwaxed hams having 26.78% compared to 23.81% for the waxed hams at 100 days and unwaxed 31.31% compared to 26.66% for waxed hams at 200 days. Ph differed (p<.01) for all hams between 100 days (5.89) and 200 days (5.67). There were no significant differences found for salt, titratable acidity, fat, or TBA. In the sensory analysis the hams were divided into the semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and vastus group. These groups were analyzed by a trained panel for degree of saltiness, aged flavor intensity and tenderness. Significant differences (p<.05) were found for the semitendinosus between waxed and unwaxed hams and time of aging period for degree of saltiness although both were satisfactory. There were no significant differences found between waxed and unwaxed for aged flavor intensity in any of the muscle groups. Time of aging period was significant (p<.05) for all muscle groups. Significant differences (p<.05) were found between waxed and unwaxed hams for tenderness in the semimembranosus, with the waxed hams being more tender. Time of aging for tenderness was not significant for any group. Simple correlation coefficients were found significant (p<.01) for the semitendinosus degree of saltiness correlated to all but the vastus muscle group for aged flavor intensity.

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