"The effect of photoperiod and plant growth regulators on flower bud in" by Kuang Lin

Masters Theses


Kuang Lin

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

B. S. Pickett

Committee Members

J. S. Alexander, M. R. Johnston, H. van de Werken


This thesis was developed to test the possibilities of modifying the flowering habit of Coleus blumei by control of day length, night length, and the use of plant growth regulators. It was hoped that it might be possible to inhibit flowering by the use of these systems of control. The clone of Coleus blumei used in this experiment behaved as a short day facultative plant. It was found that long days with short nights minimized flower formation, particularly in combination with 8 azaguanine. A daily schedule of 10.5 hours light 7 hours dark 1.5 hours light 5 hours dark hastened flower development by from five to fifteen days as compared with a daily schedule of 10.5 hours light 13.5 hours darkness, and a daily schedule of 17 hours light 7 hours darkness.

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