"The livestock market news services in Tennessee" by Robert L. Hollland

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

D. M. Thorpe

Committee Members

B. D. Raskopf, V. W. Darter, S. F. Sweet


In order to learn more about the status of livestock market information available to livestock producers in Tennessee, this study was undertaken. The objectives are set forth as the following:

1. To examine the extent of dissemination of livestock market news through the media of the radio, newspapers, telegraph, telephone, and others.

2. To examine the means used in collecting livestock market news.

3. To inventory the livestock market news that is available and to determine the amount that is usable by farmers.

4. To study the types of reports currently being issued and ascertain whether their usefulness and efficiency can be improved.

This study is a part of a broader study, "Improving the Usefulness of Livestock Marketing Information," currently being conducted by the Southern Regional Livestock Marketing Research Committee.

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