Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Biomedical Engineering
Major Professor
Luther R. Wilhelm
Committee Members
Z.A. Henry, C.A. Mullins
Snap beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) often experience loss of quality during transport to market. An apparatus designed to simulate conditions encountered by snap beans during transport was used in this study. Efforts were made to establish the effectiveness of forced ventilation with high moisture air in reducing this loss of quality.
The study consisted of six tests. Each test was conducted as follows. Freshly harvested beans were used to fill two containers. One received forced air ventilation; the other did not. After 24 hours, the beans were removed and evaluated in terms of texture, color, and moisture content. The weight lost during the 24 hour period was also determined. During the tests, the psychrometric properties of the ventilating and surrounding air were determined. The temperature of the beans in each container was also measured.
Forced ventilation with high moisture air was found to be highly effective in cooling beans, without excessive dehydration. The parameters used as indicators of quality were not shown to be significantly improved by the use of forced ventilation under the conditions experienced during this study.
Recommended Citation
Lehman, John Richard, "The effect of forced ventilation with high moisture air on bulk loads of snap beans. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1977.