Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Major Professor

Thomas N. Turner


The major purpose of this study was to determine what, if any, effect art therapy had on the self-concepts of elderly patients who were confined to either a restricted living facility or to a nursing home. The researcher, a trained art therapist, developed case studies of eleven patients who were part of a volunteer art therapy program at one restricted living facility and one nursing home in Knoxville, Tennessee. The art therapy given to these elderly patients consisted of activities in which they could engage. These activities were designed to show the patients that they could still function and be more productive than they had previously thought possible. Activities also were designed to give tangible products of the patients work for display. This study focused on, but was not limited to, the relationships of the following to low self-esteem:

  1. Specific illnesses
  2. History of the individual
  3. Race
  4. Religious beliefs
  5. Family relations.

The researcher worked as an art therapy volunteer with patients over a period of one and a half years in the assisted living facility and four and a half years in the nursing home. Much of that time was spent gaining their confidence. Most felt that they had little to look forward to and little reason to improve. The researcher observed individual growth over time, and eagerness to participate and to produce works of art as well as pride in the work they could do. Patients began looking forward to sessions, and observable changes occurred in their sense of accomplishment. Exchanges among patients became more free in conversations with one another and with the researcher. Many became very eager to have their work displayed.

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