Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Charles R. Graves

Committee Members

Vernon H. Reich, John H. Reynolds


The effect of three seeding rates, two plant populations, and two row widths on plant height, grain yield, and bushel weight of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) was studied at Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1970. In 1971, the test was expanded to include an early and late planting at Knoxville, Spring Hill, and Martin using the same treatment levels, with an additional measurement of weight/100 seed. Narrow rows produced higher grain yields in the 1970 planting and in four of the six 1971 plantings. Differences in yield among seeding rate—population means occurred in three of the six 1971 plantings, with the eight and ten pound seeding rates and the 78,000 plants/acre popu-lation level producing yields that were in the higher yielding group in each of the three cases. The first of the two plantings at two of the three locations produced the higher average yields, while the opposite pattern occurred at Spring Hill. Wide row plants were taller than those in the narrow rows in four of the six 1971 plantings. The differences in plant height between the two plantings at each location followed the same pattern as yield differ-ences. Grain from the wide rows in three of the 1971 plantings had a higher bushel weight than grain from the narrow rows, whereas the opposite row width effect occurred in one of the remaining plantings. Wide rows produced grain with the higher 100 seed weight in only two of the 1971 plantings. Seeding rate—population changes affected bushel weight and 100 seed weight only in isolated cases.

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