"The Nashville livestock market" by Maurice J. Danner

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

C. E. Allred

Committee Members

W. P. Ranney. R. P. Moore


Nashville is one of the largest livestock markets and one of the very few commission markets in the Southeast, serving as the principal outlet for livestock produced in a large area of Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama. This survey was made to appreciate more fully the importance and complexity of this market, to show the need for such a market in this important livestock region, and to understand more completely the commission method of marketing livestock.

To the reader is presented an account of livestock production in the area, farmers’ use of the market, history and development of the Nashville market, movement of livestock, physical facilities for handling, methods of sale, market news, transportation problems, public regulation, and detailed information on each kind of livestock marketed including for the most part, grades and prices received.

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