"The external morphology of the egg and larval stages of Hemerobius sti" by Gary L. Miller

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Entomology and Plant Pathology

Major Professor

Paris L. Lambdin

Committee Members

Reid R. Gerhardt, M. L. Pan


Identification of Hemerobius stigma Stephens is currently based only on adult morphological characters. This study provides additional morphological means to distinguish H. stigma from other hemerobiid species. The three larval stages of H. stigma can be distinguished by the number of setae present on the posterior annulet of abdominal segment 10 and the presence or absence of a trumpet shaped empodium. Taxonomic keys to the larval stages are included as well as life tables with notes on larval and adult feeding habits, fecundity, ovipositional preference and egg morphology. Ovipositional habits and life history data were recorded for Anacharus sp. (Figitidae), reared from parasitized H. stigma larvae.

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