Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Plant Sciences

Major Professor

B. S. Pickett

Committee Members

H. van de Werken, H. D. Swingle


The purpose of this investigation was to study the response of three different species of ground covers, Liriope, Hosta, and Hedera to various degrees of shade and levels of nitrogen and potassium. The plants were grown in pots under three light conditions: full sunlight, half of full sunlight, and a quarter of full sunlight. Two levels of nitrogen and po-tassium, high and low, were applied at the beginning of this experiment. Data for this study included height, fresh and dry weights, number of leaves or shoots, chlorophyll and starch content. Height and number of leaves of these three ground covers were significantly affected by light and nitrogen treatment. In most cases, the reduction of light and a high nitrogen level produced better growth and better ap-pearing plants than were obtained under full sunlight and low nitrogen fertilization. Differences due to potassium levels were usually non-significant.

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