"Two Essays on International Beef and Poultry Consumer Demand" by Bhishma Raj Dahal

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Resource Economics

Major Professor

Karen L. DeLong

Committee Members

Andrew Muhammad, Carola Grebitus, Chris Boyer, and Seong-Hoon Cho


This study examines meat preferences in China and Rwanda. In China, we analyzed the factors associated with frequent beef purchasing decisions. Using a survey of 560 consumers in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, we found that nearly 50% of respondents purchased beef at least 2-3 times a week. Those who purchased specific cuts of beef from wet markets and supermarkets and considered the country of origin and growth hormone-free products important were likely to buy beef more often. The frequency of consumption was also higher for younger respondents with higher wages and those who prioritized price and premium quality. Our findings provide insights for domestic and foreign beef producers on the characteristics of Chinese beef consumers.

In Rwanda, we examined the willingness of restaurants to purchase Rwandan broiler chicken compared to local bird chicken, with the aim of increasing the consumption of meat-based protein in the country and to provide revenue to farmers. We conducted face-to-face interviews with 100 restaurants in Kigali and found that female respondents were more likely to purchase Rwandan broilers. Those who considered the availability and reliability of the supplier important were more likely to purchase broiler chickens, while those who were willing to take risks and considered the healthiness and consistency of the product important were less likely to purchase Rwandan broilers. The relative price of the broiler chicken compared to the local bird was not a significant determinant of whether the restaurant would purchase the broiler. Our study provides insights into the factors influencing restaurant preferences for broiler chickens.

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