"The occupational needs of Hawkins County, Tennessee" by Jefferson E. Taylor

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agriculture and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Wiegers Jr

Committee Members

John D. Todd, Frank F. Bell


Purpose The purpose of the study was to determine the occupational needs of Hawkins County, Tennessee. Method A survey form was developed by the investigator and the information was secured by personal interview. Summary 1. Occupations other than farming exist in Hawkins County for approximately 4,788 males and 767 females. 2. The annual turnover in occupations other than farming in the county is approximately 178 males and 94 females. 3. The additional employees needed in occupations other than farming next year due to growth is estimated to be 281 males and 58 females. 4. The total additional employees needed in occupations other than farming for the next five years due to turnover and growth is expected to be 1,645 males and 654 females. 5. There is a shortage of trained personnel to fill the needs in occupations other than farming in the county. 6. Vocational classes in high school to meet the county vocational needs were recommended by 83 percent of the employer in sales and office work, 81 percent in mechanical skilled trades and 21 percent in service skilled trades. 7. A need exists in the county for expanded high school vocational programs to meet the needs of the county occupational community.

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