Masters Theses


Tammy J. Lowe

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

John R. Mount

Committee Members

P.M. Davidson, D.L. Coffey


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of various storage conditions on the shelf life of sweet, green peppers. Capsicum annuum, which are to be processed. The peppers were stored at 20°, 25°, or 30°C in open containers, containers covered with a resinite produce film (Borden VF-71) or individually wrapped. Fruits of four cultivars were measured for changes in moisture, texture, color, chlorophyll, pH, total acidity, total sugars and microbial contamination over a 15 day storage period.

During storage the peppers were found to decrease in weight 26.7% and increase in toughness, requiring 3.7 kg of force to shear the fruit (1.7 kg of force required on Day 0). The peppers had a 69.8% change in color from green to red and a decrease in chlorophyll content having 2.1 μg/g (day 0 had 3.3 μg/g). Total acidity increased slightly but pH values varied over storage time. Total sugars increased slightly over the 15 day storage period. Microbial contamination varied during the storage period.

The peppers stored at 30° were significantly different from those stored at 25° or 20°C in moisture loss. 23.6% compared to 9.1% and 8.8%; in texture, 3.5 kg of force compared to 2.9 and 2.7 kg; and in color, 53.6% change to red compared to 37.9% and 32.1%, respectively. The packaging also had a significant effect with those peppers stored in the open container changing faster than those covered with a film and individually wrapped when measured for moisture, 23.5%, 9.5% and 1.1% loss respectively; for texture, 3.9, 2.6, and 2.6 kg force, respectively; and for color, 42.4%, 41.4% and 39.6% change, respectively. These results show that the storage life of sweet peppers can be extended by 3 to 9 days by reducing the temperature below 25°C and by covering the storage containers with a produce film such as the one studied.

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