"Utility of various variables recorded from weanling beef calves for pr" by Gisela R. Dellmeier

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Science

Major Professor

Robert R. Shrode

Committee Members

Charles C. Chamberlain, J.W. Holloway


Regression equations were constructed from data collected from Angus cattle raised at The University of Tennessee Plateau Experiment Station and Polled Hereford cattle raised at The University of Tennessee Tobacco Experiment Station.

These equations were developed in an effort to utilize certain linear body measurements and weight as recorded at weaning to obtain a more accurate prediction of weight and other variables of yearling calves than could be obtained using weaning weight alone.

Equations were developed using both single- and multiple independent- variable models. The coefficients of determination by single-variable equations to predict yearling weight ranged from .75 with weaning weight as the independent variable to .35 with weaning hip width as the independent variable. The range for multiple-variable equations using two weaning variables as independent variables was from .77 with weaning height and weight to .38 with weaning length and hip width for the prediction of yearling weight.

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