Doctoral Dissertations
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
Major Professor
John Ray
Committee Members
Russell L. French, Thomas N. Turner, Michael C. Hannum
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between attitudes of public school physical education teachers (K-12) toward students with disabilities at different grade levels and selected teacher attributes. The study was designed to answer three research questions. First, what are the attitudes of physical education teachers toward working with disabled students in regular classes, and do teachers' attitudes vary according to the disabling condition.Second, Do attitudes of physical education teachers' toward working with disabled students in regular classes vary according to different grade levels (K-5 or 6-12)? Last, do attitudes of physical education teachers toward working with disabled students in regular classes vary in relation to different teacher attributes? Physical education teachers from five east Tennessee counties were surveyed with the PEATID-III (Physical Educators' Attitude Toward Teaching the Handicapped-III). Forty-three females and fifty-three males provided responses to twelve belief statements about working with five different disabilities in regular classes: learning disabled (LD), mild-moderate mentally impaired (MMR),moderate-severe mentally impaired (SMR), emotional/behavioral disordered(BD), and physically impaired (PI).The information generated by the PEATID-in indicated that public school physical education teachers (K-12) had slightly favorable attitudes toward LD andMMR students, slightly undecided attitudes toward PI students, and slightly unfavorable attitudes toward working with SMR and BD students In regular classes. Physical education teachers' attitudes toward working with disabled students In regular classes varied according to the disabling condition, but not significantly.The Information generated by the PEATID-III also Indicated that attitudes of physical education teachers toward working with disabled students varied only slightly according to the grade level (K-5 or 6-12) of disabled students. Physical Education teachers of elementary disabled students had slightly favorable attitudes towards LD, MMR, and PI students and slightly unfavorable attitudestoward SMR and BD students. Physical education teachers of secondary disabled students also had slightly favorable attitudes toward LD students and slightly unfavorable attitudes toward SMR and BD students. The difference In grade level of disabled students occurred for MMR and PI students, with teachers of secondary students having slightly undecided attitudes toward working with PIand MMR students.Information generated by the PEATID-III also Indicated that four teacher attributes significantly affected the attitudes of physical education teachers toward working with disabled students In regular classes. First support services affected the attitudes of teachers toward working with LD, MMR, and PIstudents. Second, the number of general special education courses for disabled students taken outside of physical education by the teacher affected the attitudes of teachers toward LD and PI students. Third, the number of years teaching physical education inversely affected the attitudes toward working with LD students. Last, age inversely affected the attitudes of physical education teachers toward working with MMR student. Seven teacher attributes had no significant affect on physical education teachers' attitudes toward working with disabled students in regular classes: gender, highest degree earned, number of professional preparation courses completed in physical education for disabled students, number of years teaching disabled students in physical education,number of M-team meetings attended, perceived quality of teaching experience,and perceived competence toward working with disabled students in regular class.
Recommended Citation
Hodgson, Melanie Thomas, "The relationship between attitudes of public school physical education teachers (K-12) toward students with disabilities at different grade levels and selected teacher attributes. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1999.