Masters Theses


Kevin Finn

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Major Professor

Patrick Brady

Committee Members

Karen Levy, Paul Barrette


This thesis examines Alexandre Dumas' use of comedy and humor in Les trois mousquetaires. Henri Bergson's theory of comedy and laughter, as outlined in Le Rire: essai sur la signification du comique. serves as a framework through which to analyze the novel. The thesis consists of three main sections corresponding to the main areas of Bergson's analysis: The Comic in Character, The Comic in Situations, and the Comic in Words and Language. It is argued that le comique bergsonien has particular relevance to comic characters in the novel, especially that of Porthos, the only ideally comic character in Les trois mousquetaires. Due to the genre of the novel in question, i.e. that of a historical novel, as well as the fact that the majority of references are made to comedy in the theatre, many of the observations and tenets found in Le Rire are either inapplicable or redundant. However, overall, Bergson's concept of comedy and laughter in these areas casts considerable light on the use of le comique in the novel, especially in the area of human behavior and societal influences, through the ideas of rigidity, mechanization, and absentmindedness. This thesis exposes the wealth of comedy and humor in Les trois mousquetaires. as well as uncovering certain weaknesses in Bergson's theories.

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