Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

Charles S. Hobbs

Committee Members

Harold J. Smith, O. Glen Hall, C. M. Kincaid


This experiment was designed to obtain information on some of the questions and problems confronting beef producers in the establishment, maintenance, utilization and management of pastures. Specifically, the objectives of this investigation were to obtain information on the following questions:

1. Which of the pasture species or mixtures will provide the most grazing days and produce the most beef gains per acre?

2. How much grazing will each pasture provide during winter and/or summer pasture seasons.

3. Will nitrogen applications pay in terms of increased gains and profits?

4. Will nitrogen reduce the stand of clover in a mixture?

5. What can the producer expect in the way of costs and returns from the various pastures and rates of nitrogen fertilization?

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