Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

George K. Schweitzer

Committee Members

James L. Adcock, Joseph R. Peterson


Over five hundred individual experiments were performed with the objective of finding a means of totally reducing Yb3+ to Yb2+ with a reducing metal and removing this Yb2+ from an original Ln system. These experiments were run in non-aqueous solvents due to the instability of Yb2+ in H20. Of particular interest was the separation of Yb3+ and Lu3+. The best system for the production of Yb2+ was found to be the use of 50 mesh Mg powder in the non-aqueous solvent 50/50 dioxane/ethanol. Though separation of Yb3+ and Lu3+ was not achieved, considerable enrichment of Lu3+ in a saturated Ln system containing mostly Yb3+ and Lu3+ was realized. It was shown that displacement of about 50 percent of the Yb from solution was possible, with little to no displacement of Lu3+ from solution. Further, this process could be used to isolate solid YbCl2 with little or no modification to the system.

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