Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Biosystems Engineering

Major Professor

John B. Wilkerson

Committee Members

H. Paul Denton, William E. Hart


The need for rapid implementation of large, multi-variable field experiments, hindered by limited application-map design software, and inapplicable commercial vanable-rate control systems led to the development of the Tennessee Rate Application Control System (TRACS), a variable-rate application (VRA) system devoted specifically for agricultural research TRACS was developed through the design and integration of two separate modules (sub-systems). One module, known as the management system, was created to aid m the design of plot-scale experiments Spatial field data, including boundary coordinates and crop row orientation, was required by this off-site computer based sub-system. The other TRACS module, the field system, was organized for direct implementation of plot-scale experiments created with the management system. This rugged field computer system was built to communicate m real-time to a variable-rate controller. The field system was programmed to execute the VRA treatment plans composed by researchers using the TRACS management system. An overall performance evaluation suggested that TRACS could be used for rapid, labor-reduced design, implementation, of field research experiments.

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