"The requirements of business and industry for qualified ornamental hor" by Edgar Lee Abbott

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Landscape Architecture

Major Professor

Gary L. McDaniel

Committee Members

Effin T. Graham, James Pointer


This research is dedicated to an examination of the Baccalaureate level graduate in horticulture for skills and competencies possessed upon graduation. The investigation includes an evaluation by a segment of the horticulture industry for appropriateness of the education obtained and its value to the industry. The results of a survey completed by industry representatives indicate strong satisfaction with the skills developed by academic course content and with the courses most often represented in curriculas of land grant universities in the southeastern United States. Survey results indicate that positions existing or available for the B.S. graduate in this segment of the industry are not particularly attractive from the standpoint of beginning salary and annual salary increases. A conclusion is also reached that participation in work-study programs may be a viable solution to the industry's indication of the high value industry places on practical experience in the survey. The final conclusion reached from industry response to the survey is that more research is needed in different segments and areas of career potential and in other geographic regions of the nation.

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