Masters Theses


Yih-Chuan Wu

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

W. W. Overcast

Committee Members

H. O. Jaynes, J. L. Collins


Seven stabilizers for dressings in cottage cheese were secured from 5 companies and evaluated. Homogeneity and viscosity of the dressing were determined. The creamed cottage cheese was evaluated by a compe-tent taste panel. The homogeneity of dressing was improved and viscosity of the dressing was also increased by the addition of stabilizer. The stabi-lizer was a remarkable factor to change the rheological properties of the dressing by increasing the viscosity. The judgement of the sensory panel indicated that No. 7 stabilizer was significantly inferior to the other six stabilizers. The judgement also showed that the acceptance of creamed cottage cheese with stabilizer was preferred to the creamed cottage cheese without stabilizer.

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