Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism Management

Major Professor

Michelle L. Childs

Committee Members

Sejin Ha, James Williams, Jeremy Kanter, Kasey Henricks


This experimental study aims to explore how Instagram sponsored advertisements impact consumer perception and behaviors, focusing on the overarching Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM) theory. The study consists of two distinct experiments, each examining different moderators while maintaining a central emphasis on message explicitness and its interaction with other variables.

In Study 1, participants were exposed to Instagram sponsored ads featuring different levels of message explicitness (explicit vs. implicit) and varying product types (utilitarian vs. hedonic). The main outcome variable assessed was immediate purchase intent. The mediators, persuasion knowledge, and perceived deceptiveness, were also analyzed to understand their impact on the correlation between message explicitness, product type, and purchase intent. The results supported the impact of perceived deceptiveness on immediate purchase intent.

In Study 2, the focus remained on message explicitness (explicit vs. implicit), but the moderator shifted to ad skepticism, a continuous variable. Like the first study, the analysis included mediation by persuasion knowledge and perceived deceptiveness. The findings revealed a noteworthy difference between explicit and implicit messages concerning perceived deceptiveness.

Both studies employed random participant assignment to distinct experimental conditions to ensure unbiased outcomes. Data collection occurred through online surveys, and a total of 298 participants took part in the study. The discoveries from this dissertation furnish valuable insights into the efficacy of Instagram sponsored ads and illuminate the significance of message explicitness and moderating factors in shaping consumer perceptions and behaviors. The findings of the study enhance our understanding of PKM in the realm of social media sponsored advertising, providing meaningful guidance to marketers and advertisers in crafting more impactful and targeted ad campaigns across Instagram and other social platforms. Ultimately, this research aids in advancing knowledge within the realm of sponsored advertising on social media and its impact on consumer behavior.

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