Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Melvin R. Johnston

Committee Members

Ivon E. McCarty, O. E. Goff


Tarhana is a fermentation product using dried grains or flour, and yogurt with flavoring, vegetables, and spices. The preparation techniques of different tarhana products are similar. The different geographical regions prepare tarhana in a different manner, due to economy and food availability. Three tarhana samples were used in this study: The first sample contained no ISP; the second sample was enriched with 2.5 per-cent of ISP; and the third contained 5.0 percent ISP. During the fermentation period, the pH of each sample was measured by Beckman Zeromatic pH meter. Color measurements were analyzed by the Color-Eye and Hunter Color and Color Difference colorimeters. Eight essential amino acids were calculated (mg/100g) on the basis of amount's ingredients used. The Vacuum Drying method for moisture determination. Macro Kjeldahl method to determine protein content. Fisher Fat extraction for fat content, and hot furnace (525° C.) for ash content, were used to analyze the nutritional characteristics of samples. Taste Panel Rankings of samples for color, flavor, and aroma by two groups of panelists were statistically analyzed. Statistical results (p<0.05) of yield, pH, moisture, fat, and ash showed that there was a significant difference between the samples. The pH value, protein content, and yield of product were higher in the samples fortified with ISP than the sample containing no ISP, respectively. There was a significant difference between the samples in color and flavor, but no differences were found in aroma by the two groups of panelists. Although each panelist stated that all samples and replications were acceptable, panelists preferred tarhana, at lower pH or more acidic flavor and without added ISP, above the samples that contained it.

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