"Vocational agriculture building, facilities and equipment based on ins" by J. Eldridge Price

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Weigers, Jr.

Committee Members

A. J. Paulus


The major purpose of the writer was to bring together some of the important facts and opinions relative to planned vocational agriculture department buildings and to prevent these findings to the Hawkins County Board of Education for their consideration in erecting a building to house the department of vocational agriculture to serve the needs of the students and community of the Rogersville High School area.

In examining related literature, the writer found that the Tennessee Department of Vocational Education, unlike neighboring states, has no recorded plan to guide educators, architects and engineers toward designing blueprints of a desirably arranged floor plan for a vocational agriculture department. Since many new departments are being constructed, it is hoped that this study may become a helpful guide to those in charge of construction and planning.

The writer believed that an effective vocational agriculture program could be determined through the use of interviews to explore the farm conditions of the community. He also believed a course of study based on the needs of the students would justify the facilities needed to guide his teaching effectively.

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