"The influence of plant populations on the yield and other characterist" by Robert H. Gibson

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Lawrence N. Skold

Committee Members

T. H. Campbell, R. F. Richards


The problem of optimum stands of corn for maximum yields is not a new one, nor is there a lack of experimental evidence on the subject. Most of this evidence, however, has been obtained under midwestern "corn belt" conditions and refers to a type of corn plant different from that grown in the South, as well as to different soil and climatic conditions. Much of the experimental work done in the South has dealt with open pollinated varieties or with spacings so wide or fertility levels so low as to render it of little value to the present day farmer searching for facts relating to his conditions.

It is in light of these facts that the problem of the proper spacing for hybrid corn varieties, currently being grown by the farmers of the upper South, was chosen for this thesis.

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