"The influence of ion-ion correlations on conductivity in concentrated " by MD DIPU AHMED

Masters Theses

Orcid ID


Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Alexei P. Sokolov

Committee Members

Mark Dadmun, Fred Heberle, Stephen Paddison


This study delves into the fascinating realm of concentrated ionic systems, such as ionic liquids, superionic materials, organic ionic plastic crystals, and polyelectrolytes, which hold immense potential for energy storage applications. The focus is on understanding the intricate role of ionic correlations in shaping their ionic conductivity behavior. These correlations can either boost or impede conductivity, yet their underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Through extensive investigation of various materials, including ionic liquids with differing anionic masses, pure organic ionic plastic crystals, and doped systems, this research employs advanced techniques like dielectric spectroscopy and innovative momentum conservation models to quantify these correlations. Additionally, the study explores the impact of Li+ doping on the conductivity of organic ionic plastic crystals, providing valuable insights into ways to enhance their conductivity. Ultimately, this research not only contributes to the development of high-conductivity electrolytes for innovative technologies like solid-state batteries but also advances our fundamental understanding of ion transport in concentrated ionic systems.

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