"The effects on lactation of feeding grain and roughage or roughage alo" by Alton C. Carmen

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

Eric W. Swanson

Committee Members

L. J. Boyd, J. T. Miles, L. W. Dickson


Proper feeding during the dry period is important to get the cow in condition for high milk production. A number of investigations has been made concerning the effects of feeds fed during the dry period upon subsequent lactations. Many dairymen, from results obtained in their own herds, are aware of the benefits of having cows calve in food condition. Some recommendations for feeding dry cows grain have been contradictory. It is important to determine the comparative effects of this practice for the most efficient herd management. It has been postulated that the length of the dry period required depends on the quantity of milk the cow has been producing and on her condition or fleshiness. “Steaming up” or extra feeding of the dry cow would be a wasteful practice unless it resulted in lactation benefits.

In this study the effects on lactation of feeding grain and roughage have been compared with the effects from feeding roughage alone to dairy cows during their dry periods, as measured by milk production in the subsequent lactation.

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