Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Landscape Architecture
Major Professor
D. B. Williams
Committee Members
John Day, Will Witte
Six woody ornamental species were selected to study the effects of continuous light and square, bottomless containers on growth and development during greenhouse propagation phase and after planting to field or 3-gallon container. Species tested were Liquidambar styraciflua, Koelreuteria paniculata, Betula pendula, Magnolia x soulangeana, Quercus palustris, and Prunus caroliniana. K. paniculata grew tallest when started under continuous light. Continuous light had no effect on caliper, fresh weight, straightness rating, or root rating of K. paniculata. Fresh weight of plants started in bottomless containers was heavier than plants started in containers with bottoms. The root quality rating of K. paniculata seedlings from bottomless container treatments was better than seedlings that were started in containers with bottoms. Continuous light had a positive effect on the height and fresh weight of Magnolia x soulangeana seedlings. Plants from continuous light treatments were more crooked, however. Magnolia x soulangeana grew more in height, caliper, fresh weight, and had better root quality rating when started in bottomless containers. Seedlings of B. pendula started in bottomless containers were taller than those started in containers with bottoms. Bottomless containers also produced plants with greater caliper, fresh weight, and better root quality and straightness rating. Photoperiod treatments had no effect on the growth of B. pendula. B. pendula planted in the field had larger caliper and were heavier than seedlings planted in 3-gallon containers. Liquidambar styraciflua was the most unresponsive species tested to treatments. Photoperiod or container type had no influence on height, caliper, fresh weight, or straightness rating at either growing location. Root quality rating of field plants was better for plants from natural photoperiod treatments. Continuous light and bottomless containers interacted to produce the highest root quality rating of 3-gallon container pi ants. Q. palustris seedlings grew tallest when started under continuous light. Continuous light treatments also produced seedlings with greater fresh weight and root quality ratings. Continuous light had no effect on caliper or straightness rating of Q. palustris. Container type had no effect on height, caliper, fresh weight, or straightness rating. Seedlings started in bottomless containers had better root quality rating. Continuous light treatments produced taller P. caroliniana seedlings but did not influence caliper, fresh weight, straightness or root quality rating. Container type had no effect on height, caliper, fresh weight, or straightness rating of P. caroliniana. Seedlings started in bottomless containers had better root quality ratings than those started in containers with bottoms.
Recommended Citation
Cope, Perry Anthony, "The propagation of tree seedlings under continuous light in square, bottomless containers. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1981.