"The standardization of containers of horticulture products" by Herman F. Helfenbein

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

H. G. Meyer


In this thesis an attempt has been made to present the subject of standardization of packages for fruits and vegetables as it applies to the average citizen, and to give a basis for the selection of standard containers to be used in marketing. The information was collected from many sources and covers the use of packages in the United States. Observations were made for two years and a thorough study was made of the types, styles and sizes of containers used in the marketing of fruits and vegetables.

The problem of standardizing containers for horticultural products is not easily solved. The solution will not be obtained until the general public is educated to the fact that they are the losers. When the consuming public realizes that they are losing many dollars every year, due to the manufacture of large numbers of unnecessary styles and sizes of containers and that they are defrauded many times in not being able to recognize the exact amount in certain packages, then this vital problem will be solved.

Acknowledgements are due to Professor N. D. Peacock, under whose direction this study was made, for his valuable suggestions and criticisms; to those commission men in Knoxville who gave of their time in answering questions and allowing the writer to collect data at their places of business; to the United States Department of Agriculture through their representative, Mr. H. A. Spillman, for valuable information and the use of pictures in this thesis; and to many other persons and organizations for their whole hearted cooperation and information which they gave so freely.

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