Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Landscape Architecture
Major Professor
John W. Day
Committee Members
Gary L. McDaniel, Donald B. Williams
Cuttings of Rhododendron obtusum 'Hinodegiri' that were completely submerged in low concentrations of dikegulac for short time periods formed roots and developed shoots normally. There were no significant differences in the number of new shoots, cutting survival, longest fresh root length, root quality, or root dry weight before and after sand isolation and removal between cuttings treated with dikegulac or IBA. Cuttings removed from Rhododendron obtusum 'Coral Bells', Rhododendron obtusum 'Hinodegiri', and Rhododendron 'Red Ruffles' azalea stock plants that had been treated with dikegulac formed roots normally. Dikegulac treatment did not significantly affect cutting survival, longest fresh root length, root quality, root dry weight, or root dry weight after sand isolation and removal. The cuttings developed significantly more new shoots than cuttings removed from nontreated plants. Dikegulac (200 gm active ingredient/ liter) was most effective at a rate of 25 ml/liter. Cuttings of the three azalea cultivars reacted significantly different to dikegulac treatment. Azalea stock plants treated with dikegulac developed significantly more new shoots than untreated stock plants. The three cultivars reacted significantly different to dikegulac treatment. Three root development analysis systems were used to analyze the effects of dikegulac on the root development of azalea cuttings. Correlations between the root dry weighing system, and the root quality rating system indicated a need to utilize both systems in order to obtain accurate root development analysis of cuttings. Correlations between root dry weight and root dry weight after sand isolation and removal indicated that there was no need to utilize a sand isolation and removal procedure when azalea cuttings are rooted in a river sand media.
Recommended Citation
Schnall, Richard Arnold, "The effects of dikegulac on azalea cuttings. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1978.