Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

Charles S. Hobbs

Committee Members

M. C. Bell, S. A. Hinton


The fluorine problem in livestock feeding is one of increasing importance. Untold damage has been caused by the detrimental effects of fluorine. The first problem arose through the feeding of a mineral supplement of raw rock phosphate containing from 3 to 4 per cent fluorine. The livestock fed high levels of raw rock phosphate showed a decrease in appetite, and the animals gradually became emaciated. The teeth of young animals fed the raw rock phosphate became mottled and pitted.

The same symptoms were observed in cattle eating vegetation grown in the vicinity of aluminum and phosphate industries. It was found that fluorine was given off from the manufacture of these materials and settled on the vegetation. This increased the fluorine problem considerably.

Research is being conducted at the Tennessee Experiment Station To determine at what levels fluorine becomes toxic and how long it takes the toxic condition to arise in cattle. This phase of the experiment was studied to determine the effects of fluorine on the feed consumption of cattle.

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