Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Agricultural Economics
Major Professor
Stanton P. Parry
Committee Members
Irving Dubov, Charles L. Cleland
This study will attempt: (1) to analyze present methods of computing operating reserve on the Knoxville, Tennessee, market and thereby provide a basis for setting optimum ranges in supply demand adjusters, (2) to help handlers and producers (or their cooperatives) in determining what is an adequate supply of fluid milk for this market, (3) to provide an empirical basis for delineating limits to supply needs for the market which would be useful if voluntary quota plans are instituted. While all of these objectives refer to the Knoxville market they may have application to other federal order markets.
Recommended Citation
Newberry, Dormal, "The necessary supply of milk to meet the class 1 demand of the Knoxville, Tennessee market. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1964.