"Tobacco production practices and net returns per acre from burley toba" by E. F. Ivens

Masters Theses


E. F. Ivens

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Extension

Major Professor

Robert S. Dotson

Committee Members

Lewis H. Dickson, Frank F. Bell, S. A. Griffin, Gilbert N. Rhodes


A study made by the Anderson County Agricultural Agent and the Special Agent in Test Demonstration Work showed that the average test demonstration farmer in Anderson County in 1959 produced 2,352 pounds of tobacco per acre; while the county average for the same year was 1,795 pounds (3). The average gross income from tobacco on the average test demonstration farm was $1,455 per acre, and the average gross income from tobacco on the average county farm was $1,017 per acre. or an increase of $438 on the test demonstration farms. Gross income from tobacco on the 324.86 acres allotment (1961) in Anderson County could be increased $142,288 if the average farmer could do as well as the average test demonstration farmer.

A study of yield data and certain production practices was needed to identify the following representative groups: consistently high average level of net returns per acre of tobacco; growers with a consistently medium average level of net returns per acre of tobacco, and growers with a consistently low average level of net returns per acre of tobacco. County growers with a Data also were needed to identify practices that were either contributing to increased yields and net income or limiting them. Such data should be helpful for use in formulating teaching objectives.

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