"The effects of ammonia on frozen beef and pork musculature" by Ernest Earl Herrmann

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Food Science and Technology

Major Professor

Melvin R. Johnston

Committee Members

Ivon E. McCarty


Anhydrous ammonia is probably used by more commercial freezer and cold storage companies than any other refrigerant. Nevertheless, when leaks or breaks occur in the ammonia lines, the food products in the storage chambers are adversely affected. According to Duren (10) such an incident occurred in a 0°F. freezer in 1962; the foods in the freezer were rendered unfit for human consumption due to their exposure to ammonia. Likewise Phillips (24) pointed out that ammonia has a baneful effect on the pH, color, appearance, odor, flavor, and texture of foods. Kassem (20) reported that a liquid ammonia line broke in a commercial cold storage plant exposing various food products to ammonia. Again ammonia displayed a pernicious effect on the pH, color, appearance, and texture of the stored food products.

With the foregoing factors in mind and considering the external and inherent variables affecting the color, pH, appearance, and texture of meat, ante and post-mortem, this study was made in an attempt to (1) establish the penetration rate of ammonia in exposed beef and pork musculature over a 24 hour period, (2) to determine the effect of ammonia on the color of these two meats, and (3) to ascertain the effect of ammonia on the odor and flavor of beef.

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