Doctoral Dissertations

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



Major Professor

Dawn M. Szymanski

Committee Members

Gina Owens, Joe Miles, Donna Braquet


In this study, we examined potential indirect and moderated effects in the relations between the use of TikTok, a video-based appearance-related social networking site, and body dissatisfaction among a sample of approximately 475 United States’ young adult college women residing in the Southeast. We hypothesized that TikTok use would be directly and indirectly related to body dissatisfaction through more upward appearance comparison and more body surveillance in serial. We also hypothesized that exposure to body positive media and social media literacy (both commercial and peer) would moderate or buffer both the direct and indirect links between TikTok use and body dissatisfaction. That is, the direct and indirect relations would be weaker when exposure to body positive media, commercial social media literacy, and peer social media literacy is high and stronger when exposure to body positive media, commercial social media literacy, and peer social media literacy is low.


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