Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

Don O. Richardson

Committee Members

R. L. Murphree, J. T. Miles


A filtration procedure was used to separate live and dead bovine spermatozoa. This filtration procedure was based upon the ability of progressively motile spermatozoa to move through a maze of fibers in a filter of glass wool. A total of 21 bulls was used in this experiment. Two different ejaculates of 10 cubic centimeters each were collected via electroejaculator from each bull. Analysis of variance demonstrated a significant difference (P<0.05) between live-dead ratio of spermatozoa after filtration. Results of Least Significant Difference Test (LSD) indicated a significant differ-ence in the number of live spermatozoa after filtration. However, there was no significant difference found between the filter weights. It has been shown that bulls with the lowest initial per cent live sperm, 0 to 30, were improved more than bulls with a higher initial per cent live sperm. Possible application may be to semen from bulls that are potential culls for producing low percentages of live sperm. Filtra-tion may also be used to salvage proven bulls that produce reasonable quantity but no longer produce semen of acceptable quality. Although the filtration procedure is relatively simple, further research needs to be conducted to indicate whether or not this procedure is applicable to the artificial insemination industry. There is more information needed as to the effects, if any, that filtration has on the freezability, survival, and fertility of bovine spermatozoa.

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