"The relationship of vitamin K to cecal coccidiosis of chickens" by James Fred Stephens

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Animal Husbandry

Major Professor

J. K. Bletner

Committee Members

O. E. Goff, R. L. Tugwell, O. G. Hall


The objectives of the experiments reported in this thesis were to determine (1) the effects of vitamin K on blood clotting time, weight gain, and mortality from cecal coccidiosis in experimentally inoculated chickens, (2) the effects of various levels of vitamin K on blood clotting time, mortality, and weight gain of chicks inoculated with varying numbers of sporulated Eimeria tenella oocysts, and (3) the relative efficacies of Nicarbazin and four potential sources of vitamin K in the prevention of morbidity and mortality in birds fed diets low in vitamin K and experimentally infected with cecal coccidiosis.

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