Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1957
The effect of ortho, meta, pyro, phytin phosphates upon cellulose digestion by rumen microorganisms in vitro, Harold Baxter
Problems of East Tennessee teachers of vocational agriculture and corrective measures they proposed, Dwane Talmadge Bell
Evaluation of irrigation systems in Tennessee, Hayri Berberoglu
Conventions and Modern Poetry: A Study in the Development of Period Mannerisms, Jacob P. Blumenfeld
Consumer preference and organoleptic studies as related to federal beef grades and selected beef carcass characteristics, Donald D. Brannan
The Armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Haworth), and Its Natural Enemies, Samuel Glover Breeland
The marketing of forest products in Tennessee, Thomas Britt
Some factors affecting the age of puberty in swine, Thomas E. Byrum
The Summer Season Climatic and Vegetational Gradient Between Point Barrow and Meade River, Alaska, Edward Ernst Cooper Clebsch
An exploration of factors to be considered in developing a post-graduate program of teacher education in home science in the Lady Irwin College, New Delhi, India., Sushella Dantyagi
Factors Involved in Teachers LeavÂing the Education Profession, Lawrence G. Derthick Jr.
The influence of sex and age of dam on some economic characteristics in beef cattle, Jimmy David Faulk
The effects of soil temperature on urea hydrolysis, nitrification, and plant utilization, Wayne B. Fisher
The production and marketing of greenhouse tomatoes in the Knoxville, Tennessee, area, Robert D. Freeland
The influence of plant populations on the yield and other characteristics of corn, Robert H. Gibson
Observations of jersey and holstein calves with special attention to rumination and rumen development, James David Harris
A storage of rooted cuttings, Herman G. Hobbs
Effects of school milk program on total consumption of milk by families with children in Jennie Bell School, Dyersburg, Tennessee, 1956, Robert Wilson Johnson
Some effects of electromagnetic radiation on seeds and seed germination, C. Walter Lingerfelt
Stilbestrol- thyroid hormone interrelationships in growth and feed utilization in swine and rats, Chueng-Shyang Ma
The marketing of spring lambs in Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, Virgil William Martin
The Rhetoric of Jeremy Taylor's Prose: Dispositio in the Winter Sermons, Robert Mashburn
A study of some factors influencing the rennet curd tension of milk and casein sols, Bobby Ross Mauk
A study of the readability of University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service publications and leaflets for boys taking vocational agriculture in high school, David Enoch McPherson
Feeding thyroxine and thyroactive protein to milking cows, William Merrill Miller
Characteristics, farming status, and program plan for the young farmer class at North Side High School, Romie Wilson Neisler
Effects of external irradiation of pregnant female rats on viability, growth and fertility of the offspring, Henry B. Pace
A study of calf raising methods using reconstituted skim milk, Bobby Parkins
Characteristics of Dewey and Fullerton soils, Roger Bruce Parsons
Vocational agriculture building, facilities and equipment based on instructional needs in the Rogersville community, J. Eldridge Price
The growth response of coliform bacteria in milk to an increase of 5 degrees C after refrigerated storage, James C. Prow
The evaluation of beef sires on the production of their daughters, Robert Alexander Reynolds
Studies on milk lipase in bovine mammary tissue and separator slime, James Aldred Robertson Jr.
Knowledge and attitudes of Tennessee farmers concerning credit practices and some effects on credit management and credit cost, John Thomas Romans
A Calorimetric Investigation of Zirconium, Titanium, and Zirconium Alloys from 60 to 960°C, James L. Scott
Publications and information aids used by animal husbandry departments, Bernas Sharp
Survey of Student Opinion Toward Desegregation at the University of Tennessee, Barbara Stone
Summer programs of Tennessee vocational agriculture teachers, Silas Jasper Taylor
The Influence of Aluminium and Zinc upon the Absorption and Retention of Calcium and Phosphorus in Lambs, Alan Thompson
Measurement of soil productivity on selected soils in terms of corn yields, William M. Walker
The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle, Charles Middleton Walthall
Class, type and grade of cattle and calves sold on Tennessee livestock auction markets, Yinhuai Wang
Dry weight changes in Porto Rico sweet potatoes under actual storage conditions in Tennessee, Joe W. White
Masters Theses from 1956
The use of X-ray techniques in dwarfism studies in beef cattle, Elliott Darby Adams
A study of the agricultural education majors who graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Agraculture from the fall quarter, 1949, through the spring quarter, 1955, Ernest Francis Anderson
Some effects of electrical treatment of seed, Henry Andrews
What constitutes an effective vocational agriculture program in the Puryear community, Earl Wagner Bennett
The Effect of Soil Potassium Levels on Yield, Lodging and Mineral Composition of Corn, Fred C. Boswell
The Development of a Rhythmic Activities Program for Deaf or Profoundly Hard-of-Hearing Children, Madge Bowman
A study of direct combine harvesting of selected grass and legume seeds, Erwin Keith Boyce
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Knox Dolomite in the Fair Garden Area, Sevier and Jefferson Counties, Tennessee, James Gerald Bumgarner
A Laboratory Study of the Beech Granite Plagioclase, Joseph Taylor Carlisle
Factors affecting the prices paid for slaughter steers and heifers sold at Tennessee auction markets, Chien Ing Cheng
Control of weeds in cotton with preemergence application of herbicides, Elmer W. Counce
An analysis of one hundred and eight cources of study in farm mechanics, Dwight Cox Ellis
The livestock market news services in Tennessee, Robert L. Hollland
A study of some factors affecting reproduction of sheep, Robert Murray Ioset
Training high school students in public speaking, Carl Elmo Johnson
The University of Tennessee during the administration of President Brown Ayres, 1904-1919., James Riley Montgomery
The role of agricultural marketing in economic development, Tej Narain
Income possibilities of farm families in the hills of north western Tennessee, Bobby Eugene Phillips
Supplementation of Degossypolized Cottonseed Meal in Rations for Growing and Fattening Swine, Richard Travis Piercy
A vocational agriculture teacher's analysis of artificial insemination of dairy cows in West Tennessee, Melvin Isaac Revelle
An Ecological Survey of the Vascular Aquatic Vegetation of the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, Franklin Delano Robinson
Faster effects on dressing yield, shrinkage, and pH contractile tissue in swine, Robert Lewis Saffle
A Survey of Some Factors in Promotional Policies in Walland School and Its Implication for Curriculum Change, Grace Scott
The Effect of Social Classes on the Community and Schools of Clinton, Tennessee, Robert N. Shumate
Economic levels of forage and grain production on dairy farms in East Tennessee, Dick Wayland Smith
A study of the adjustment of children removed from Buva College Rescue Home and Training School for Negro Children: Nashville, Tennessee, Betty, Frances A., E. Snyder, Worrell.
Concentration of fluorine in the urine of cattle and sheep, Gerald L. Stow
Factors relating to patronage of purchasing cooperatives by 107 Middle Tennessee farmers, Antonios E. Trimis
The Use of Urea and Stilbestrol in Fattening Rations for Beef Cattle, Samuel French Wolfe
Masters Theses from 1955
An economic analysis of the activities of agricultural representatives in Tennessee banks, Robert Jackson Bevins
The evaluation of urea as a nitrogen fertilizer on wheat, William Eagleton Black
Determining some of the jobs and skills needed by farmers in the Hornbeak High School service area that ought to be included in an instructional program, Dorace Eugene Brasfield
Development of equipment for spreading lime and fertilizer on steep slopes, Charles Wesley Brown
Relationships between type scores and live animal measurements in beef cattle, Dugald E. Brown
Factors influencing group participation of farmers and farm homemakers with emphasis on test demonstration fertilizers and other external incentives, Herbert Walter Butt
Effects of different levels of feeding on growth and development in beef cattle, Joseph Herbert Carrier
A study of the sales of milk through outdoor milk vending machines in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1954-1955, John C. Carter
The Public Career of David Crockett, Anna G. Catron
Certain Equivalence Relations in Transformation Semigroups, Carol G. Doss
Building course calendars in vocational agriculture, Clarence Ray Evans
Market structure of buying firms and practices of strawberry growers in the new Cumberland Mountain area of Tennessee, 1954, Leslie A. Glascock
The enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose for ice cream mix, James Page Gracy
Income possibilities on farms in the cotton section of West Tennessee, Leigh Hugh Hammond
Relationship of body measurements to genotypes for bovine dwarfism as estimated from X-ray of the lumbar vertebrae, Joe W. High
Marketing activities and problems of part-time farmers, Luther H. Keller
The influence of environment upon the performance of the laying hen, Lloyd Henry Littlefield
Winter Pasture Investigations with Beef Calves, Robert Moorman Jr.
The determination of body water in cattle by the use of antipyrine, Milton White Neathery
The effects of firmness of fat and the degree of finish on the evaluation of pork carcasses, Leon Edwin Orme
Some aspects of drying wheat and orchard-grass, Ralph P. Prince
Organization and operation of an advisory council for vocational agriculture in Lewis County, Arvin Otis Ramay
The evaluation of certain treatments for weed control in tobacco plant beds, Gilbert N. Rhodes
Course building in vocational agriculture, Otis Clinton Shelby
The effect of feeding urea and stilbestrol on ration digestibility and on calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen retention in lambs, Joseph Randolph Taylor
The factors affecting the successful freezing of bull spermatozoa, Robert Harry White
Masters Theses from 1954
The Cuban land tenure laws and some of their economic effects upon sugar production, Gregorio Alfaro A.