Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1955
The evaluation of certain treatments for weed control in tobacco plant beds, Gilbert N. Rhodes
Course building in vocational agriculture, Otis Clinton Shelby
The effect of feeding urea and stilbestrol on ration digestibility and on calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen retention in lambs, Joseph Randolph Taylor
The factors affecting the successful freezing of bull spermatozoa, Robert Harry White
Masters Theses from 1954
The Cuban land tenure laws and some of their economic effects upon sugar production, Gregorio Alfaro A.
Prediction accuracy evaluation of five soil test methods, William D. Bishop
Response of corn to zinc fertilization, James W. Blanton
World War Two Veterans Training In Memphis Veterans Institute Operated by the Board of Education of the Memphis City Schools, William A. Bourne
The effect of type and weight on the yield of primal and miscellaneous pork cuts, Don Allison Bowman
Effect of potassium fertilization on yield, lodging, and mineral composition of corn inbreds and single crosses, Wilburn Curtis Brummitt
The effect of steriod hormones on the rate of gain and feed utilization in lambs, Calvin Lawrence Cannon
Organization and operation of advisory councils for vocational agriculture, Henry Chapman Colston
A Study of Plant Distribution Patterns at a Mid-Altitude Location in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Everette H. Cooley
Farm mechanics in vocational agriculture in the Saltillo High School, Henry L. Davis
Investigation of the poisoning of cattle consuming fescue grass, Denis Cecil De Loach
The use of aluminum sulfate hydrate in the alleviation of the effects of abnormally increased levels of fluorine ingested by cattle and sheep, Harmon E. Galey
Vegetation of the Grassy Balds of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Vernon Collis Gilbert
Determining the need for and making plans for establishing a terminal vocational agricultural program at Hiwassee Junior College, Charles W. Irons
Studies of mild lipase, Hugh Oliver Jaynes
A study of livestock dealers in Tennessee, Erice H. McDonald
A study to evaluate and improve the adult farmer program in the Morris Chapel community, Robert Allen Phillips
The effects of different levels of flourine intake on digestibility and mineral balance in beef cows, George Douglas Plumlee
Land tenure problems in Iran, Mohamad Ali M Rejali
Re-examination of rural cooperative credit association in Thailand, Chune Sopochna
The effect of rapid growth with fattening upon lactation in cattle and rats, Thomas Ray Spann
The influence of procaine penicillin G and 3-nitro-4-hydroxy-phenylarsonic acid upon broilers, Fred Russell Tarver
Evaluation of adult education in vocational agriculture during 1952-53, Louis C. Taylor
Program planning in vocational agriculture in Tennessee, James Robert Warmbrod
A comparison of two methods of milk feeding, with and without rumen inoculation, upon the growth and feeding efficiency of dairy calves, James Hall Williamson
Quality and price of fresh market strawberries in West Tennessee, A. W. Woodard
Masters Theses from 1953
Some factors in the rooting of Ilex, Joe S. Alexander
Ethnobotany of the Cherokee Indians, William H. Banks Jr.
Weed control in sweet potatoes with N-1 naphthyl phthalamic acid, James Elbert Byrd
An appraisal of economic land use classification with a case study in Costa Rica, Carlos Manuel Castillo
Results of different germination tests on seed corn lots of various ages, Lewis Harper Dickson
An excess farm population and the loss of farm wealth, Peter Paul Dorner
The Characteristic Roots of Certain Real Symmetric Matrices, Joseph Frederick Elliott
A Proposed Course of Study in Safety for Industrial Education Students, Richard Edgar Gannaway
Certain physiological and pathological effects of feeding various levels of fluorine and alleviators to lambs, J. M. Griffith
The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle, James Turner Guill
An evaluation of the productivity of some important soil types in the Central Basin of Tennessee, Alonzo Byron Harmon
The effects of various levels of fluorides on feed consumption of cattle, Everett Kincaid
Local community and economic development, Saw Hla Aung Laik
A Survey of the Order Contortae in Tennessee, Melville B. Laite
A study of the effects of testosterone cyclopentylpropionate on the semen characteristics and the sexual behavior of beef bulls, Eidris V. Long
The rural church and organized community activity; a study of church-community relations in two East Tennessee communities, Beryl B. Maurer
REGII SANGVINIS CLAMOR AD COELUM, By Dr. Peter du Moulin the Younger (1652), Translated Into English and with an Introduction, Harry G. Merrill III
An Evaluation of Methods for Teaching Study Skills for Social Studies in the Fourth Grade, Jean K. Merritt
A guide for the preparation, presentation and evaluation of F.F.A. radio programs in Tennessee, Turley M. Oakley
Various effects of high levels of flourine ingested as sodium fluoride on pregnant beef heifers, James B. Pardue
The repeatability of cow performance in beef cattle, John Robert Paysinger
A study of the effects of stilbestrol on the rate of gain and feed utilization in lambs, Fred Copeland Powell
The effect of various grades and lengths of pork carcasses together with sex on the yield of sliced bacon, Charles E. Riley
Tobacco Farmers, Other Farmers and Terms of Exchange, Jean Debusk Russell
The Topographical Influences on the Campaigns in Middle and West Tennessee during the First Year of the Civil War, William Blair Scott
An Experimental Analysis of the Reinforcement Process, Raymond Robert Shrader
Influence of starter incubation temperature of thirty-two degrees centigrade upon the associate organisms and slit openness in Cheddar cheese, David Henderson Thomas
Masters Theses from 1952
Some Recent Contribution of the Cherokee Indians of North Carolina to the Crafts of the Southern Highlands, Dorothy Andora Arnold
A study of the slit openness defect in cheddar cheese, Farris Eugene Ashe
A Study of Factors Involved in Organizing and Administering a Student Activity Program for Tyson Junior High School, Joy Coulter Bauch
The Political Career of Landon Carter Haynes, James W. Bellamy
The effects of irradiation from atomic bomb fall-out upon a group of Hereford cattle, James Merrill Bird
In-Service Education in the Sevier County Schools, William Oscar Bryant
The effect of age and weight upon the blood volume of farm animals, William O. Butler
The Frequency of Principles and Abbreviating Devices in Gregg Transcription Simplified, Alma Ruth Cline
Effects of Radioactive Phosphorus In Vitro on Oxygen Consumption of Semen, Glenn D. Folmar
Skills as a factor in livestock production in Egypt, Mohamed Fathi Galal
Rumen inoculation of dairy calves, its relation to feeding of roughage and growth of calves, Frank D. Hinton
A study of the manufacture of Cheddar cheese made from heated milks, Henry Thomas James
Influence of rate and temperature of cooking on the time required to manufacture cheddar cheese from pasteurized milk, Edgar Ray Jarman
Classification and Evaluation of Sound Motion Picture Films for Use in Teaching General Business in High School, Stephen M. Johnson
A History of the Secondary Schools of Cocke County, Mazie M. Knight
A Study of the Ability of Sevier County to Support its Schools, Dewey Large
The effect of level and time of treatment of dienestrol on the rate of gain,feed required per one-hundred pounds gain, and carcass characteristics of swine, Ed Robert Lidvall
An analysis of selected agricultural factors in Tennessee, 1930-1940, Edgar Pricer Moore
A Study of the Educational Leave Program of the Tennessee Department of Public Welfare, Joseph Isaac Nicholson
Experimental Investigation of Secondary Stresses in Gusset Plates, Wallace Samuel Prescott
Hormones and the treatment of sterility of dairy cattle--the assay of pituitary gonadotropic and thyrotropic hormones of dairy cattle, Abdul Quddoos
Magnesium status of Tennessee soils, Horace C. Smith
A Study of the Omission of Necessary Words in the Written Composition of Deaf Children, Jess M. Smith
Investigations with monozygous twin dairy heifers, Roy Orlando Thomas
The compatibility of increased farm family earnings with improved water control; a case study of a farm in the Chestuee watershed of the East Tennessee Valley, George Cooper Tucker
Some Observations on the Health Program in Clinton High School with Particular Emphasis on the Needs of the Students, Eloise Harris Wynne
A study of the hydrology of the Cane Creek watershed, Bernard High Zellner
Masters Theses from 1951
The effects of various levels of fluorine on the digestability of feeds, James Rex Allen
The effect of dead or immotile sperm on the motility and fertility of the stronger sperm in bovine semen, Henry Joe Bearden
Effect of thiouracil produced hypothyroidism on semen and testes of dairy bulls, Jesse Payton Boatman
Farmers' knowledge of and attitudes toward the Eastern Dark Fired Tobacco Growers' Association, and the government programs, Furman Preston Bowers
Family removal in the Tennessee Valley, Ralph G. Brown
Development of a tractor powered fence post driver, James Lee Butler
Corrective factors for adjusting weaning weights of beef calves to a standard age, Will J. Butts Jr.
A business analysis of 55 farmers' purchasing cooperatives, Tennessee, 1949, Tom L. Calloway
The Public Career of William B. Bate, William N. Chesney
A study of the development of organized religion in Jefferson County, Tennessee (1785-1950), James Earl Cockrum
A study and analysis of farm tenancy in Egypt, Mohamad Riad El Ghonemy
An Economic Study of the University of Tennessee Power Plant, Jack London Gamble
Adjustments in dairy farm organization, Greeneville, Tennessee area, Harold Alpheus Henderson
Handicrafts in Sevier County, Tennessee, Sidney Cecil Hodges
Development of electric radiant heating panels, Willis Earl Huston