Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1951
Wintering dairy heifers on hay with and without pasture, Fred Gill Laine
Correlations of soil tests for available phosphorus and potassium with crop yield responses to fertilization, Oddest H. Long
Chemical weed control experiments with cotton, Sam F. McMurry
Physiology of jack semen, Emory Gene Morrison
A Functional Guidance Program for Agricultural Education Students at the University of Tennessee, J. Boyd Peck
The Life and Works of Alfonso Hernandez-Cata, Anne Schroll
The design and construction of a pneumatic harvester for crimson clover seed, Herbert Dean Sullivan
The Geology of Miller Cove, Blount County, Tennessee, Charlie Alexander Tucker
A study of the methods of freezing sweet potatoes as compared to dehydrating, Floyd Arthur Weems
A Taxonomic Survey of the Myxomycetes of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Arthur L. Welden
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Chilhowee Mountain, Cleo Duke Wilder Jr.
Cost and returns from the burley tobacco enterprise in the central basin of Tennessee, Lewis Blanton Williams Jr.
The effect of potash fertilization on mineral composition, yield, and stalk breakage in corn at different nitrogen levels, Harry Wittels
A Study of the Unmet Emotional Needs of a Group of Ninth Grade Home Economics Students in Etowah High School, 1950-1951, Alice Jane Womac
A Survey of Published American Radio Drama, Kenneth D. Wright
Masters Theses from 1950
Magnesium levels of Tennessee soils in relation to crop growth, Andrew B. Beasley
Possibilities of expanding the market for cottonseed feed products in West Tennessee, Alvin Carr Blake
Statistical Analysis and Forecast of the University of Tennessee Enrollment, Edward J. Boling
A Program of Adult Education for the Clearfork Valley Community, Paul Eugene Bostic
Rhenium and Rhenium-Nickel Alloys as Hydrogenation Catalysts, Norma Connell Bowen
Induced Mutations in Molds, Frank M. Boyd
A Study of the Retail and Wholesale Distribution of Frozen Foods in Tennessee, John F. Boyd III
The Galois Group of a Polynomial Equation with Coefficients in a Finite Field, Charles Leston Bradshaw
A Study of Administrative and Supervisory Practices Affecting the Induction and Orientation of Beginning Teachers, Paul A. Breeding
Comparison of the Behavior of Eleven-Year Old Socialized Aggressive and Unsocialized Aggressive Boys in a Play Therapy Situation, Mary Donoho Browder
The Head Organs of Cleidodiscus mirabilis (TREMATODA MONOGENEA), Theodore Gates Brown
The Effects of Alloxan on the Histology of the Pancreas, Thyroid and Adrenal Glands of the White Rat, Julien L. Cagle
An Analysis and Digest of the Legal Accounting Requirements of the Officers of the State and County Governments of the State of Tennessee, Herman Darrell Carriger
The Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Pattern of Spore Germination in Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., Mary Elizabeth Case
A Study of the Factors Influencing the Artificial Hatching of the Eggs of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus, Melvin A. Cassady
The Geology of the Eastern Half of the Lake City Quadrangle, Anderson and Campbell Counties, Tennessee, Joseph B. Cathey Jr.
A Proposed Industrial Arts Program for Harry P. Harding High School of Charlotte, North Carolina, Cecil W. Cheney
Mass transfer from granular beds, Jack Bernard Chrisney
The effect of competition and date of planting on the growth of soybean varieties having different dates of maturity, Donald T. Ferguson
The Fiction of Sarah Barnwell Elliott, Charles V. Flowers
Practices affecting the marketable yield and quality of tomatoes in West Tennessee, William Edwin Goble
A County Wide Study of Pupil Transportation in McMinn County, Tennessee, Reuben R. Godsey
Electrical Analogue Computer for the Heat Pump, James Edward Goff
Prime Ideals in Semigroups, Helen Bradley Grimble
Sulphur content of Tennessee soils, Abram W. Hatcher
A Study of the Trends in the Level of Preparation and Placement of New Teachers in the White Public Schools of Tennessee From 1938-1939 through 1947-1948, Milburn N. Hopkins
A Study of the Objectives of the Teachers of the Etowah City School System in Relation to Actual Classroom Activities and the Total School Program, Helen Ruth Hopper
A Study of the Factors Affecting the Organization of an Adult Program in Homemaking Education in Eastern Virginia, Rowena Briel Hopper
Keats and the New Critics, William Harold Hunter
Changes occuring on farms in southern Knox County, Tennessee, 1916 to 1948, Julius Stanley Hurst
The Hawaiian Movement for Statehood, Ruth E. McPherson
Relation of size of flock to market egg production in Tennessee, 1947-1948, William E. Raikes
A Comparison of Appraisals of Residential Properties for Lending Purposes with County and City Assessments of Identical Properties in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1950, Lawrence O. Ransom
Effects of three nitrate levels on beans, cabbage, sweet corn, lettuce, radish and tomato yields, Richard R. Rushing
An objective method of measuring swine, Paul E. Smith
The Influence of Shakespeare upon Wordsworth, Mary Weaver Sweet
An appraisal of the Cannon County Board of Education, J. Paul Turner
Seed coat permeability in certain strains of crimson clover, Trifolium incarnatum L, Harry W. Wellhausen
The repeatability of live-animal and photographic measurements of beef cattle, William Mark Whitaker
Experimental Investigation of Stresses in Gusset Plates, Richard E. Whitmore
Masters Theses from 1949
A lime requirement study of some Tennessee soils, Frank Fort Bell
A Recreational Reading Program in a Sixth Grade Classroom, Nellie Ray Bowers
Semigroup Ideals, Kenneth Scott Carmen
An investigation into the use of silos and silage for feeding dairy cows, Marvin Edward Farris
Cotton marketing practices of growers, ginners and buyers in Tennessee, 1947, Carl R. Hall
Direct and Semidirect Products of Semigroups, John Charles Harden
Marketing eggs by farmers and first handlers, Tennessee, 1947-48, Clyde Reece Keaton
Louis Napoleon in Browning's Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau: A True Portrait of a Double Personality, Etta Culbertson Kennedy
Analysis of institutions in Ein Yabroud Village, Palestine, Nassir Abed Lateef
The impact of TVA on agriculture, Chi Yuen Lee
Quality of Tennessee-produced eggs, Robert Jackson Park
Endomorphisms and Translations of Semigroups, Eldon E. Posey
Design of the shaded-pole motor, Sung-kuei Shu
The Geology of the Graveston Quadrangle, Union and Knox Counties, Tennessee, John Franklin Spangler
Marketing activities of farmers in Bradley county, Tennessee, 1947, William Paul Stephens
A Study of Steric Inhibition of the Pfitzinger Reaction, Robert Earl Stobaugh
A Survey of Opportunities for Musical Experiences Provided for Preschool Children in Their Homes, Velma Dynes Stout
Management of Tennessee soils, Lonnie James Strickland
Petrography of the Chilhowee Group, Near Walland, Tennessee, George David Swingle
Fertility and hatchability of inbred barred Plymouth Rocks, Jack Thomas Tumlin
A study of carotene content of cow's milk and natural butter color changes during transition from winter to summer feeding, Ben B. Waggoner
Land tenure in Egypt, Abdel Fattah Zayat
Masters Theses from 1948
Tobacco in East Tennessee, Elsie Taylor Bird
The composition and quantity of milk produced by cows on pasture and dry feed, Alvin F. Cannon
The use of stabilizers in ice cream, Herman N. Carringer
Studies in the Families, Magnoliaceae, Illiciaceae and Schisandraceae of Szech'uan, China, Ching-Yung Cheng
The processing of unfermented peach juice, Richard G. Garner
A Study of the Negro Department of the Tennessee School for the Deaf, Anna Beatryce Hale
The use of pipe elbows as flow meters., Bakhteyar Husain
Return Jonathan Meigs, Cherokee Indian Agent, 1801-1823, Greer Jackson Kimery
Raising dairy calves with and without colostrum, James T. Miles
History and Development of Vocational Education in Kingsport, Tennessee, Paul Jasper Moore
The Separation of Carboxylic Acids by Fractional Distribution, Clyde Orr Jr.
The influence of certain nutrients on the prevention of dermatitis in turkey poults, Leighton H. Panter
The relation of the soil reaction to certain other soil properties, William Lawrence Parks
Effects of various flourine compounds on the albino rat., Robert Floyd Pevahouse
Effects of Various Fluorine Compounds on the Albino Rat, Robert Floyd Pevahouse
Marketing of cottonseed feed products in Tennessee, Fred R. Robertson Jr.
Feeding thyroprotein to lactating ewes for early lamb production, Grover William Stringer
The rate of release of potassium from some Tennessee soils, Raymond Harris Webster
The isolation and the biochemistry of the animal protein factor, John Wyatt West
Variations in the Gross Anatomy of the Heart of Rana pipiens, Leslie Wingate Wilson
Masters Theses from 1947
Cost of producing milk in the Knoxville milk shed, Robert Dixon Bruce
The Legal Bases of the Nuremberg Trial of German Leaders, Richard Harrison Doughty