"Some effects of electromagnetic radiation on seeds and seed germinatio" by C. Walter Lingerfelt

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Major Professor

Lawrence N. Skold

Committee Members

Horace C. Smith Jr.


With every new discovery and advance in knowledge comes the challenge of many unanswered questions and problems. Over two hundred years ago men were already studying the effects of electricity on both animal and plant life. Today many of these questions have been answered, but the number of new questions continues to grow.

Many experiments have been conducted throughout the years on the effects of electrical treatment on seeds and plants. The methods and principles used have varied, but the final objective has been to improve plants and plant products. This paper reports some of the effects of one type of treatment on seeds.

The experiments reported here were conducted in an effort to determine if electrical treatment of seeds had an effect on germination, growth, appearance, quality, or yield of agronomic crops, and if the physiology of the seeds were altered by the treatment.

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