Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Wiegers, Jr.

Committee Members

E. S. Christenbury, M. A. Sharp


Farming in Hornbeak High School service is becoming more mechanized each year. The mule and the plow are almost obsolete. With the coming of mechanized farming, many problems have been confronted by the farmers in the community relative to care and repair of mechanized farm machinery. There is no repair shop in the community, and farmers must do their own repair work or drive several miles to other towns to get their repair work done. If the teacher of vocational agriculture is fully aware of their farm mechanics needs, he will be able to give them assistance in the care and repair of their farm machinery.

If the assumptions are true, the teacher ought to be able to organize an evening class in farm mechanics. By participating in such a course, the farmers will be able to save time and money by doing some of their own repair work.

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