"Characteristics, farming status, and program plan for the young farmer" by Romie Wilson Neisler

Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Weigers, Jr.

Committee Members

M. C. Bell, Lawrence N. Skold


If the young farmers were to be given real help in their course of study in agriculture, it was necessary for the writer to know their needs, their background, what they had accomplished, their present situation, and something of their future plans and aspirations. The problem of systematic instruction in farming resolves itself around the characteristics of the young men in the class and the extent to which they need help in their farming programs. Other teachers of vocational agriculture may have similar situations in their service areas and may be able to use this study as a guide in preparing a course of study for their groups of young farmers.

Since young men on farms are not subject to much public or family pressure to further their education and are not necessarily looking forward to advanced school work, the teacher of vocational agriculture should be able to plan his program to give emphasis to the interests and needs of the young men in the class. This study, in revealing needs, should point out the content of the course of study. It should help the writer in the development of an educational program that will function more fully in meeting the needs of the young men in becoming established in farming.

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