Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1963
The comparative nutritive value of liquid and dry milk for dairy calves, Julius E. Thigpen
Performance of beef steers and heifers of varying initial weights fed alike during wintering period, Jack Alexander Thompson
An economic analysis of Farmers Home Administration credit use in selected Middle Tennessee counties, 1958 and 1961, Alberto Valdés
Changing patterns of milk and milk product consumption, Memphis, Tennessee, 1953 and 1961, Donna Greiner Walters
Factors and their effects on birth weight, average daily gain, and 120-day weight of purebred Hampshire lambs, Carlos E. Webb
Unconventional Warfare in East Tennessee, 1861-1865, Paul A. Whelan
The performance of feeder cattle of different weights, grades, and sexes in the feedlot, Bobby L. Whittenburg
An Ecological Study of the Cockroach Habitats of Two Garbage Disposal Areas in Knox County, Tennessee, Harry E. Williams
Variation in beef sires as measured by differences in their daughter productivity, William Lafayette Williams
Masters Theses from 1962
Four methods of developing bulls to approximately 20 months of age, James M. Anderson
Postnatal development of prenatally irradiated swine, James F. Andrews
The effects of adding poor quality ground hay to the concentrate mixture for dairy cows, Bobby James Bearden
On inverse limit sequence, Ralph Bennett
School Attendance, Absenteeism and Withdrawal: A Sociological Analysis, John Martin Bogert
Cost analysis of whole-hog sausage processing plants, Roy Burgess
The effects on lactation of feeding grain and roughage or roughage alone to dairy cows during their dry period, Alton C. Carmen
An Evaluation of the Performance of a Beef Taste Panel, Minnie Ruth Chambers
Responses of Holstein calves to dietary calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D3 using response surface techniques, Paul Thomas Chandler
A program for the production and distribution of certified seeds in Madras State, Pokkali Ramalingam Chetty
A study of high school guidance activities regarding vocational agriculture students in Tennessee, William Harold Coley
The Novels and Plays of Francoise Sagan, Barbara Kathryn Cottle
The influence of nitrogen on sweet pepper flower, fruit set and fruit production, Usama H. Dajani
The influence of soil properties and lime upon nutrient content and yield of alfalfa and lespedeza, Laxminarayan Annappa Dixit
A study of the use made of resource personnel by teachers of vocational agriculture, Benjamin Brown Draper
Quantitative Study of Growth of Some Dairy Psychrophiles, Taher A. El-Farekh
Principles and Procedures Useful in Planning the Resource Development Part of County and Area Cooperative Extension Work in the United States With Application of Findings to Community Development Work in India, Hanumanthappa Sanjeevappa Hanumanthappa
The Effect of Re-Use of Two Frying Fats on the Fatty Acid Content of French-Fried Potatoes, Mary Ann Harvey
Lime-fertilizer placement experiment on alfalfa, Ghanem Saddalah Hassawy
A study of herd placement methods on dairy farms in North Alabama, Albert C. Heaslett
Exploration of possibilities of increasing farm incomes in a selected area by preparation and choice of alternative farm plans, Shivaraj Amritappa Hosmani
Corn Stover yields as a Function of Several Management Factors Expressed as Variables in Quadratic Prediction Equations, Karumannil Koyamu
X-rays, body measurements, and uronic acid excretion of calves heterozygous and homozygous normal for Snorter dwarfism, John Thomas Leeman
The genetic and environmental factors affecting the performance of Hereford calves from birth to weaning, Shanmugampillay Loganathan
A study of the production practices of burley tobacco growers in Williamson County, Nathan J. Lowe
The effect of price variability on the optimum enterprise organization of a representative farm in the Hill Area of West Tennessee, Chau Tam Luan
A Comparison of Roasting Turkey by an Open-Pan and a Foil-Wrap Method, Agnes June Reese Majhor
The history of the Future Farmers of America in Tennessee, Charles Harold McBride
Rural land ownership in Tennessee, Joe Webb McLeary
Effect of nitrogen fertilization and time of harvest on in vitro rumen microbial utilization on some Bermuda grasses, Atalla Said Mohammed
Lime requirement studies on selected soils, Joseph Robert Overton
Corn yields as a function of several management factors expressed as variables in quadratic prediction equations, Robert Gerald Palmer
The Availability of Phosphorus in Two Defluorinated Phosphates to Sheep as Determined by a Radioisotope Technique, Carlen Pippin
Economics of a cooperative milk plant in Trichur (India), T. Prabhakaran
Distribution of Fallout Cesium-137 in Litter, Humus, and Surface Soil Layers Under Natural Vegetation in the Great Smoky Mountains, Jerry Carlyle Ritchie
Evaluating agricultural flood control benefits by an optimal programming technique, Le Roy Rogers
Future Farmers of America incentives, Denver James Ruth
Comparison of methods of full-feeding yearling steers, Edward W. Sanders
Some effects of seedbed preparation, tillage and herbicides on corn yields and soil compaction, Paulus P. Shelby
Safety practices of teachers of vocational agriculture in farm mechanic shops in Georgia, Charles L. Smith
Opinions of School Adminsatrators Concerning Selected Aspects of the Program of Vocational Agriculture in East Tennessee, Charles Hugh Snodderly
A study of relationships between selected factors and performance ratings of Tennessee agricultural extension agents, Srinivasulu Madras Sundaraj
Relationships between water, fertilizers and yield in certain crops of Bangalore district, Mysore state, India, S. B. Tambad
Individual farm adjustments in the mixed soil group, 90-159 acres open land, Henderson County, Tennessee, Gene Warren Turner
The effect of population on whole-plant production of corn harvested for silage, Ichanda M. Uthappa
The effect of depth of planting of soybeans and leaching of herbicides by irrigation to weed control and soybean injury, K. George Verghese
Nutrition Field Experiences in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Hillsborough County Health Department, Florida, Vina Viravaidhya
The Tennessee Beef Performance Testing Program in Robertson County, Craig Watson
Farm mechanics skills to be developed by high school vocational agricultural students, Jerald C. Weatherford
Masters Theses from 1961
Studies on the use of peat and perlite as media for growing vegetable plants, Kodialguthu Radhakrishna Alwa
Variety and topping effects of yield and quality of okra, Fakirappa C. Angadi
Comparison of quality of bull semen collected in the artificial vagina or by electroejaculation, Joseph Wells Austin
Robert Browning as a Literary Critic, Carolyn Louise Blair
The effect of calcium, potassium, and boron fertilization upon the chemical composition and yield of alfalfa, William Eugene Bryan
The effect of excessive dietary calcium upon the absorption and utilization of selenium-75, molybdenum-99, copper-64 and iron-59 in swine, Robert G. Buescher
Quantum Kinetic Equations for Plasmas and Radiation; Part II. Cyclotron Instabilities in a Bounded Plasma, Philip B. Burt
Separation of the n-Sphere by an (n - 1)-Sphere, James C. Cantrell
Capital Requirements on a Grade A Dairy Farm, Everett E. Carrell
Management and Performance of Beef Cattle at Ames Plantation, Everett E. Carrell
Management and Performance of Swine at Ames Plantation, Everett E. Carrell
An Analysis of Some Effects of Multiple-Grade Grouping an Elementary School, E. Stanley Chace
The effect of fertilization and spacing on the yield and composition of soybeans, Subramaniyan Chandrasekaran
Adaptation of chickens to extremes of temperatures, Dharamvir Singh Chaudhary
Interrelationships Between Sulfate Metabolism and Tocopherols in the Weanling Rat, Young Ping Chin
An Analysis of the Spending Habits of Residence Hall Students at the University of Tennessee, 1959-60, Peter Condiles
A study of management effects on carbohydrate reserves in Gahi-1 pearlmillet, Richard W. Couch
Machine Data Processing for Educational Administrators: Problems and Solutions, James Floyd Cunningham Jr.
Potential use, management and productivity of Loudon County soils, Appaswamy Devasigamoney
Field Experiences with the Division of Nutrition in the Wisconsin State Board of Health, Joan Elizabeth Dow
Estimating total separable lean in beef carcasses by using multiple area measurements of the longissimus dorsi in combination with other measurements, Robert Hailey Epley Jr.
The influence of parent materials upon the formation and morphology of some soils of the Highland Rim and Brotherton Bench in Putnam County, Tennessee, Charles R. Gass
Thiamine Retention in Pork After Home Canning, Sermsii Gongsakdi
The Social and Economic Background of Goldsmith's Deserted Village, James R. Gray
Turbidity of farm pond water and the effect of centrifugal force upon its removal, Rex Duane Haren
The Bible, the Constitution and Public Education: A Case Study of Religious Instruction in the Public Schools of Knoxville and Knox County, Tennessee, Joseph W. Harrison
Effect of certain crop and soil management factors on the size of kernels and yield of corn, Gurushiddappa V. Havanagi
Utilization of low-quality hardwood in the production of charcoal, Billy Gene Hicks
Phytotoxicity of dalapon on bermudagrass as influenced by gibberellic acid, nitrogen and surfactants, S. Srinivasan Kannan
A review of selected principles and procedures useful in the planning of county agricultural extension programs in the United States with application to community development program planning in India, Ankegowda Kapanigowda
Some observations of preliminary incubation on pasteurized milk, Edward Ray Kelly
An Evaluation of Forage Management, Felix Eugene Knight
Commercial Supplement Versus a Home-Mixed Supplement Plus Corn Free Choice for Finishing Swine, Felix Eugene Knight
The Response of 4-H Campers to the Camp at the 1959 Middle Tennessee 4-H Club Camp, Felix Eugene Knight
The effect of electro-magnetic radiation on certain varieties of soybean seeds, Arunachalam Lakshmanan
Liming of alfalfa in a greenhouse study, N. S. Loganathan
An economic analysis of harvesting cotton mechanically in West Tennessee, James Thomas Long
The relationship of soil color to soil moisture tension, Thomas J. Longwell
The effect of length of dry period upon milk secretion, Warren Hall Maclin
Effect of Feeding Various Hay-Concentrate Rations on the Production and Composition of Milk, K. C. Mathew
The influence of diet and coccidiosis upon the xanthophyll pigmentation of chicks, Robert Paul Mitchell Jr.
The relation of subsoiling to water runoff, soil moisture, root distribution and corn yield, William C. Moffitt