Masters Theses
Masters Theses from 1961
The relationship of soil color to soil moisture tension, Thomas J. Longwell
The effect of length of dry period upon milk secretion, Warren Hall Maclin
Effect of Feeding Various Hay-Concentrate Rations on the Production and Composition of Milk, K. C. Mathew
The influence of diet and coccidiosis upon the xanthophyll pigmentation of chicks, Robert Paul Mitchell Jr.
The relation of subsoiling to water runoff, soil moisture, root distribution and corn yield, William C. Moffitt
Factors Affecting the Performance of Broilers, G. R. Nair
Comparison of production and composition of milk from cows grazing gahi-1 and Starr Pearl millets, Kunjukrishnapilla Parameswaran Nair
The productivity of Huntington, Waynesboro and Dickson soils for corn under high levels of management, Rural Allen Peace
The Interrelationship of Tocopherols and Sulfur Metabolism, Betty June Pendergrass
A Report of Field Training With the Nutrition Unit of the Minnesota Department of Health, Martha Russell Rider
Utilization of phosphorus from dicalcium phosphate and defluorinated phosphate supplements by rumen bacteria in vitro and by lambs fed a semi-purified ration, Venkatachalam Satchidanandam
The influence of varying calorie-protein ratios and amino acid supplementation of diets for broilers, David B. Shoaf
Soil moisture extraction patterns of different soil-crop combinations as determined by neutron meter, Herbert B. Smith
Potential utility of selected research methods and techniques for determining the needs of extensions clientele with application to Mysore State, India, J. Srinivasa Murthy
Studies on the influence of temperature and soil moisture on peroxidase and hexose sugars in snap beans, Umapati Virabhadrayya Sulladmath
Relationship of beef type and breed to offal composition, Robert N. Terrell
Observations and Experiences with the Nutritionist in the Public Health Service Indian Hospital, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Soekati Tjokrowirono
Adjusting farm operation and organization to changing conditions, William R. Williams
Outlook for the Tennessee Producers Livestock Marketing Association in selling Middle Tennessee livestock, Howard Stanley Wills
Influence of liming on the yield and uptake of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus by soybeans grown on two different soils, Mahadevappa Basappa Yeligar
Masters Theses from 1960
"What is the future of vocational agriculture in the eyes of Southern Illinois administrators?", Herman Hale Adkerson
The influence of date of flowering on certain seed and fiber properties of pope cotton, Gorur N. Alasingrachar
A Thiazole Yellow Method for Magnesium Determination in Human Balance Studies, Evelyn Lorraine Andrews
The Role of the Administrator of Academic Affairs in Selected Universities, Roy M. Bacon
Pseudoscalar Interaction in Nuclear Beta Decay, Chander Perkash Bhalla
Palatability of hams as affected by methods of curing, curing time and aging temperature, James W. Bond III.
Appraisal of vocational education in agriculture in Claiborne County by business and professional leaders, Clarence H. Breeding
A study of the microbial flora of cottage cheese manufactured under plant conditions and stored at 5 degrees C, J. V. Britton
A Report of Nutrition Field Experiences with the Nutrition Consultant of the Delaware State Board of Health, Elizabeth Terry Byars
A study of the provision of trace minerals for suckling calves, Myles Carpenter
Evaluation of fungicidal soil treatments in the control of seedling diseases of cotton, Albert Young Chambers
Germination of certified soybean seed as influenced by moisture content, length of storage and seasonal temperature fluctuation, Raymond E. Cobble
The dairy cattle replacement markets of Tennessee and Florida, David Winslow Culver
Digestibility of orchard grass and alfalfa hays with and without concentrates and effects of an enzyme mixture upon orchard grass hay digestibility by steers, Charles Edward Darnell
The wholesale fresh fruit and vegetable market structure in Tennessee, Willie Kirby Davis
Effect of alloying additions on corrosion behavior of nickel-molybdenum alloys in fused fluoride mixtures., Jackson Harvey DeVan
Preliminary Investigations in the Effect of Continually Changing Reinforcement on Learning and Extinction, Michael Dinoff
Solubility measurements as a means of studying the reaction of phosphorus compounds with soils at different ph levels, D. John Durairaj
A detailed comparative character desciption of some early tomato varieties under East Tennessee conditions, Gary N. Duren
The Uptake of Sodium Ions by the Tongue, Magill Echols
Response of alfalfa to fertilization and management in Putnam County, Tennessee, Joseph L. Elmore
Employment and underemployment of rural people in Grainger County, Tennessee, William Brewster Ewing
The Separation of Aqueous Two-Salt Solutions in Horizontal Thermal Diffusion Columns: The System CuSO4-CoSO4-H2O, Gerald Thomas Fisher
Effects of Roasting, Braising, and Stewing on the Cesium-134 Content of Beef from Orally Dosed Steers, Joan Forrester
Influence of phosphorus supplements upon cellulose digestion by ruman microorganisms and ration digestibility by sheep, Clarence D. Gaddy
Evaluation of factors affecting heart rates of dairy cows, Chekkera.N Ganapathy
Expectation of productivity from the soils of Henderson County, Tennessee under several models of land use, Harold Eli Gelfond
A Study of Trading Stamps in Memphis, Walter P. Gorman III
The Development of Education in Rhea County, Tennessee, Thomas F. Guthrie
A study of adjustment of farm organization to the family life cycle, Kashayya Channayya Hiremath
The survival of bacteria after exposure to two types of dairy cleaners, Herbert Charles Holt
Decision making patterns of farmers who grow corn in two Tennessee counties, Norman R. Huddleston
Estimated Distribution of the Tennessee Tax Burden and Public Expenditure Benefits--1957, Thomas M. Humphrey
Some implications of the sociological research on diffusion and adoption of farm practices and their application to extension education, Krishna A. Jalihal
Field Experiences with the Nutrtion Service of the Ohio Department of Health, Angeline Joyce Kline
The influence of lime and phosphorus application to three soils on yield and nutrient uptake by sorghum, Madathilettu Mathai Koshy
The farm supply market of Hamblen County, Tennessee, George Henry Lane
Comparison of ear corn plus supplement, shelled corn plus protein supplement and complete mixed rations for growing and finishing swine, Thomas R. Langford
A Student's Experiences and Observations in Public Health Nutrition with the Florida State Board of Health, Maria Luisa Lopez Maldonado
The successful establishment and continuation of community clubs in Middle Tennessee, Roy Madison Luna
Determining the variation of foreign matter in seed cotton ginned at two gins in Tennessee, Carl Edward Madewell
Selected elements involved in the development of local leadership for extension work, A. Gopinatha Menon
Statistical analysis of farm land values in Jefferson County, Tennessee, Charles Daniel Mounger Jr.
Cotton fiber testing by mills in Tennessee, Carol Sterling Murphey
Growth of Rats on Supplemented Rich Diets, Mandayam Ananthanpillai Nalini
A follow-up study of former students of vocational agriculture in Maury County, Tennessee, Dennis Wade Nutt
The interaction of kinetin and indolebutic acid on the rooting of cuttings, Mathews C. Oommen
A history of Tennessee Medical College, 1889-1914, Bill M. Orr
A summary of the records on the purebred Jersey dairy herd at the West Tennessee Experiment Station from 1928 to 1952, Samuel Lane Parkison
A study of use of standard plans as guides for planning farms in the dark-fired tobacco area of Tennessee, Ninganagouda Phakirgouda Patil
Criteria for determination of maturity of corn varieties, Billy M. Piper
Tenderness of Beef as Affected by Variations in Time and Temperature of Application of a Meat Tenderizer, Eleanor Marguerite Pratt
Determining the optimum level of resource allocation on cotton farms in Southwest Tennessee by Linear Programmming technique, Vaithilingam Rajagopalan
The morphology development of Gahi-1 pearlmillet as affected by management, Vagata Ramaiah
Some economic aspects of producing potatoes in Bangalore and Kolar Districts, Mysore State, India, Revanna Ramanna
Relationship of sires to eating quality of beef, Muthuswamy Pillai Ranganathan
A study of the effect of gibberellic acid on the phototoxicity of dalapon or simazin on Bermudagrass., Jivanna Sakharam Rao
A Study of Root Development of Crop Plants in Relation to Soil Characteristics, Sunanda Sakharam Rao
Role of Extension Service in Rural Development, Sunanda Sakharam Rao
Seed Certification in the Southeast, Sunanda Sakharam Rao
Ionic concentration of soil water held at different tensions, T. Seshagiri Rao
Some studies on six American varieties of eggplants with particular reference to floral morphology, fruit set and fruit characters, C. N. Sambandam
Formation and morphology of Crossville loam, Kusuma Shankar
Effects of different roughages and sources of protein upon digestibility of rations and growth by lambs, T. N. Siddappa
Residual effects of soil sterilants, William V. Sigler Jr.
The free fatty acid content of herd milk, Douglas Howard Stamper
Evaluation of an alternative farm record analysis system in Tennessee, Hunter D. Stone
Use of hydrogen peroxide as a milk preservative, Maheswaran Subrahmanyam
Studies on the life cycle of Heterakis gallinae, Ramaswamy Kalyana Sundaram
Soil association areas as a force influencing economic status of rural households in the Upper East Tennessee Valley, Phillip L. Thomason
An evaluation of a subjective pasture scoring system based on animal performance, Robert L. White
Effects of wettable-power herbicides on agitation devices and wear of sprayer components, Melvin Lynn Wylie
A hydraulic channel model for research and teaching, Paul Yates
Masters Theses from 1959
Backgrounds of the Scopes Trial at Dayton, Tennessee, Warren Allem
Some effects of irradiating cotton yarn in the plasma of an electric discharge, John R. Barrett Jr.
The Relationship of Behavioral Patterns of Selected Superintendents to the Process of Public School Desegregation, Harry Smith Blanton
Retailing nursery products in four counties of Tennessee, Jimmy Wayne Bookout