Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

R. B. Hughes, Jr.

Committee Members

H. A. Henderson, R. F. Richards, Joe A. Martin, E. J. Long


Farmers in the area need information on which to base their decisions in making farming adjustments. Also, the agricultural agencies need information of this nature in order to better advise the farmers in making necessary changes.

Richard G. Wheeler stated, "The farm management worker cannot hope to provide ready-made solutions for even the most important problems on each individual farm. But extensive analysis in terms of representative operating unite will demonstrate appropriate ways of attacking particular problems; moreover, the solution can be adjusted slightly to fit many situations similar to the ones actually analyzed."² An analysis of this type will help the operators in developing various alternative farming systems to alleviate the problems found within the small inefficient operating unit.

The general objective of this study was to analyze alternative systems of farming in view of the current economic conditions and known agricultural technologies. Special attention has been given to the economies of acreage expansion, assuming that the current trend in farm depopulation will be continued. The specific objectives were to analyze:

(1) the income potentials of alternative farming systems and production methods on a typical small farm

(2) the income potentials associated with the use of increased amounts of land

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