Masters Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Agricultural and Extension Education

Major Professor

George W. Weigers, Jr.

Committee Members

M. A. Sharp


The purpose of this study is to find solutions to the problems of planning a farm mechanics course of study. The purpose embodies four elements which may be stated as follows:

1. What areas of instruction are included in a farm mechanics course of study?

2. What are the activities in each area?

3. What is the range in hours planned for teaching each activity?

4. What is the average number of hours allotted to teach each activity?

The first element of the purpose is concerned with revealing the number of areas planned and their importance. By importance of area is meant which area was planned by the most number of teachers.

The second element of the purpose is to show the different activities that were planned to be taught in each area.

The third element of the purpose is to show the range of hours for teaching each activity.

The final element of the purpose Is to show the average time planned for teaching each activity.

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