Masters Theses
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
Major Professor
Eric Winters
Committee Members
Lawrence N Skold, W. L. Paulus
The Dewey and Fullerton soils are two Important and extensive Red-yellow podzolic soil series in the Valley of East Tennessee. These soils are well-drained and were developed under mixed deciduous and coniferous forest vegetation. The Dewey soils have developed on residual parent materials from dolomite, dolomitic limestone, and limestone, while the Fullerton soils have developed on residual parent materials from siliceous dolomite and dolomitic limestone. Over a twenty-five year period, the area has had a mean annual rainfall of fifty inches. The mean January temperature is 40°F, while the mean July temperature is 80°F (3).¹
Devey soils are morphologically similar to the Fullerton soils, but have browner A horizons, redder B horizons, contain less chert gravel, and lack the pale colored A2 horizon of the Fullerton series.
The purpose of this study was to characterize the Dewey and Fullerton soil series and to establish whether or not differences between the series do exist, other than those which may be detected by visual observation.
Recommended Citation
Parsons, Roger Bruce, "Characteristics of Dewey and Fullerton soils. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1957.